• v - The process of [arranging] like objects in [parallel] or 90 degree [angles] as a method of organization.

    Knolling meaning & definition 1 of Knolling.

  • v. - the act of [sitting on] [a log] in a [grassy] area while highly intoxicated.

    Knolling meaning & definition 2 of Knolling.

  • When a [swarthy], olive-skinned gay man loses his job and, in order to [augment] his unemployment income, takes to doing [ass-to-mouth] videos with non-whites.

    Knolling meaning & definition 3 of Knolling.

  • The result of combining [t9] and [flirting]. A common [typo] in the place of Looking caused by t9.

    Knolling meaning & definition 4 of Knolling.

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