• [Bulimia Nervosa], an eating disorder where people (usually females) engage in activities such as self-induced vomiting, compulsive exercise or laxative/[diuretic] abuse after a binge (consuming excessive amounts of food at one time)
    Health risks include
    [electrolyte] imbalances
    tearing of the esophogus
    internal bleeding
    vitamin deficiency
    hair loss
    lowered body tempature

    Bulimia meaning & definition 1 of Bulimia.

  • An emotional disorder characterized by a distorted body image and an obsessive desire to lose weight, in which bouts of extreme overeating are followed by fasting or self-induced vomiting or purging.

    Bulimia meaning & definition 2 of Bulimia.

  • Serious eating disorder involving an obsessive need to loose weight and a distorted [body image]. People with this disorder binge eat and then take steps to ovoid gaining weight. Such as vomiting, excessive exercise, or fasting. Can be life-threatening from heart failure. Side effects include tooth decay and staining, inflammation of esophagus from frequent vomiting and [electrolyte] imbalances that cause heart failure. People with bulimia are often a normal weight to slightly overweight. Also called [Bulimia Nervosa].

    Bulimia meaning & definition 3 of Bulimia.

  • basically, the only true staple is that we binge, then purge in some way after - be it vomiting(which can be done MANY different ways), starving or exercising aggressively after or taking things like laxatives and [diuretics].
    i would have added [bad body] image to that, but some people who are not [bulimic] or anorexic have problems with their images too
    everything else changes for every person.
    we all have different causes, triggers, binge foods and amounts.
    also, not all bulimics and anorexics are skinny. it could be [the 300] pound mom, the teenage boy with a little extra chub or it could be the [bony] 11 year old in grade 5.
    bulimia does not discriminate against weight, age, gender, class or race

    Bulimia meaning & definition 4 of Bulimia.

  • [bulimia] is an eating disorder kind of like anorexia but its where (mostly females) eat excessive amounts of food and make themselves vomit later. Most people think that this is a way of having self control and they can enjoy the food when they eat it, but then they [throw it up] later sp that they dont get fat. [Bulimia] is a very serious eating disorder and it is not all physical, most of it is a state of mind where girls have a fear of getting fat and in most cases(like mine)they take it [waay] too far.

    Bulimia meaning & definition 5 of Bulimia.

  • A condition where people (surveys show mainly teenage girls) [binge] on food then take laxitives or force themselves to throw up thinking it will allow them to enjoy food without putting on weight. Refusing to admit they have a problem can be a first sign of an [eating disorder].
    -a mental condition and can be confused with [anorexia].

    Bulimia meaning & definition 6 of Bulimia.

  • An eating [dissorder] [effecting] mostly young women. They eat alot of food then make them selves vomit. they loose lots of weight and have health problems. Parents try to [blame it] on all the models andactresses that are so thin. but its more then that, these people constantly feel like they arent good enough and need to change themselves its usually caused by something thats happened to them also something their parents and influences mihgt have done or do.

    Bulimia meaning & definition 7 of Bulimia.

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