A person who interrupts a performer or public speaker with derisive or aggressive comments or abuse.
Heckler meaning & definition 1 of Heckler.
Short for German gun [manufacturer] [Heckler]
Heckler meaning & definition 2 of Heckler.
1 - an idiot who feels the [compelling] need to be an asshole.
2 - one who insults and harrasses others to [feel better] about oneself.
3 - see [asslantern]Heckler meaning & definition 3 of Heckler.
The [second] [oldest] profession in [the world].
Heckler meaning & definition 4 of Heckler.
Heckler meaning & definition 5 of Heckler.
powerful [gun] used by [gangs] and [drug dealers]
Heckler meaning & definition 6 of Heckler.
an international [skate], snow and [surf] magazine from [Northern California]
Heckler meaning & definition 7 of Heckler.
An [advanced] [hacker]
Heckler meaning & definition 8 of Heckler.
a serious [piece] of weaponry. Commonly found in a [hood] [near] you.
Heckler meaning & definition 9 of Heckler.
Hater judge. Not the same as a critic though. They are disrespectful half [breads] [that feel] everyone has to live by their opinions. Most of them 18-30 old, either live in theirs mothers/familys home still to feed off the [maternal] tit. Have no direction, lack stature and morals in human behavior.
Heckler meaning & definition 10 of Heckler.
Noun: Mainly used to designate a loudmouth punk in any kind of audience. Usually drunk, almost inevitable at comedy clubs. Stand-up comics \ comedians \ and other performers generally hate when they happen --- although they can be viciously eviscerated with fast, ready wit. When a comic shuts a heckler down quickly, the [comics] status goes WAY up, fast. If they flail and fail against them, it can end the set.
Verb: heckle To loudly interrupt a performance with insults, or just [incoherent babbling].
Related words\phrases: [Hecklers] veto -- Hecklers suppression -- AutoHeckler
In social media and other forums of expression - the anticipated flame war or flood of extra negative comments can prevent a person from sharing something they wish to share. That is a Hecklers Suppression.Heckler meaning & definition 11 of Heckler.