• To take a [conspicuous] but essentially useless action [ostensibly] to support a good cause but actually to show off how much more moral you are than [everybody else].

    Virtue signalling meaning & definition 1 of Virtue signalling.

  • Advocating a political or [philosophical] position, and/or taking up a public cause, from a position of [vanity], for the primary purpose of demonstrating your [conformity] with fashionable pop culture values.

    Virtue signalling meaning & definition 2 of Virtue signalling.

  • Saying you love or hate something to show off what a [virtuous] person you are, instead of actually trying to [fix] [the problem].

    Virtue signalling meaning & definition 3 of Virtue signalling.

  • A scheming, disingenuous act of kindness and selflessness to show ones solidarity with a cause, such as volunteering for [CAMHS], all to boost ones image and reputation, rather than to help the cause. It is commonly weaponised by politicians and used in debates to appease the majority.
    Synonyms: I have no life, Im a cuck, please give me attention, stop mansplaining
    Antonyms: [Im smart], Im sexy, Im not a 28 year old living in his [mothers basement], Ive got a nice schlong

    Virtue signalling meaning & definition 4 of Virtue signalling.

  • A term that is far too often used to dismiss an opposing opinion that is based on morals, [ethics], or ideals, when the [introduction] of such into a debate could critically [undermine] ones stance.

    Virtue signalling meaning & definition 5 of Virtue signalling.

  • Trying to look virtuous because you more about appearances than action; for example:

    when anyone puts a [SUPPORT OUR TROOPS] bumper sticker on their car
    when republicans [appoint] members of minority groups to key positions to make their policies look less bigoted
    when neocons, identitarians, and the alt-right use social justice rhetoric to make it look like they care about womens rights and gay rights but are just trying to advance [regressive] policies such as bans on entire religions, mass deporations, wars in the middle east, etc.

    Virtue signalling meaning & definition 6 of Virtue signalling.

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