• Estimated Time of Arrival abbreviated. Sounds officious or military when spoken out loud.

    [Edited] To Add abbreviated. Used frequently by bloggers when adding something to a post.

    Euskadi Ta Akatasuna, or [Eta] (pronounced eh-ta). A paramilitary organisation based in northern Spain which uses terrorism to push for [Basque] independence.

    Eta meaning & definition 1 of Eta.

  • Euskadi Ta Askatasuna; an organization of militant [Basque] nationalists attempting to gain independence for the Basques, especially those ruled by Spain, until a [cease-fire] in 1998, by means of [guerrilla warfare].

    Eta meaning & definition 2 of Eta.

  • A derogatory term used by the Japanese to refer to the [Burakumin] in the feudal era. Burakumin were a Japanese [social minority] group. The [burakumin] are one of the main minority groups in Japan, along with the Ainu of Hokkaido, the Ryukyuans of Okinawa and Japanese residents of Korean and Chinese descent. The burakumin are descendants of outcast communities of the feudal era, which mainly comprised those with occupations considered tainted with death or ritual impurity (such as executioners, undertakers, workers in slaughterhouses, butchers or tanners), and traditionally lived in their own secluded hamlets and ghettos.

    Eta meaning & definition 3 of Eta.

  • [an abbreviation] of [Edited] to Add, frequently used by [bloggers].

    Eta meaning & definition 4 of Eta.

  • [Emergency] [Toast] [Allocation]

    Eta meaning & definition 5 of Eta.

  • [ETA] stands for [En Taro Adun].

    It was coined from [the Blizzard] game StarCraft. ETA is used to end a game instead of the typical GG or Good Game.

    Eta meaning & definition 6 of Eta.

  • [Stands] for [Eat That] [Ass]

    Eta meaning & definition 7 of Eta.

  • ETA means [Eat That] Ass... So if you see an exceptionally attractive woman whose [ass you] would enjoy [licking], then you would ETA.

    Eta meaning & definition 8 of Eta.

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