Brocked is a slang term, reportedly originating from the Royal New Zealand Airforce, that refers to the act of another aircrew member secretly and sneakily taking away ones allocated flying time or duty.
A guy or girl so incredibly [perfect] that they are [the original] [design].
Blueprint meaning & definition 1 of Blueprint.
Another term for [porn movie] in 70s/80s. Commonly used in [South East] Asia and [Middle East]
Blueprint meaning & definition 2 of Blueprint.
an [underground] [rapper] that is part of the rhymesayers [crew].
Blueprint meaning & definition 3 of Blueprint.
It is when a gentleman, [of sorts], convinces a lady to [undergo] sexual intercourse in a private location of his choosing and then during intercourse have multiple of [the gentlemans] friends run out of a closet ready to ejaculate and then spray the lady like soap in a car-wash.
Blueprint meaning & definition 4 of Blueprint.
Discovered in [1966] in a small British village called Guttenmountain, this is the only [trace] found of the Pink [Panther] before it became pink.
Blueprint meaning & definition 5 of Blueprint.
A design plan or other technical drawing.
Blueprint meaning & definition 6 of Blueprint.
Blueprint Software Systems is a leading provider of process modeling, documentation, and optimization solutions for the enterprise. A software product by Blueprint Software Systems
Blueprint meaning & definition 7 of Blueprint.