Muslims are kind people but others think they are not. No one should be [hating] on [Islam] because if a terrorist is Mulum doesnt means all Muslims are terrorists. [Please stop] hating.
Muslims meaning & definition 1 of Muslims.
a religion that non of the above defined it correctly, it is a religion that calls for peace , rejects all kind of racism , sectarianism and [fanaticism] , the only religion that have been attacked by media everyday , Muslims dont rape kill nor bury anyone alive no matter what he/she did this is actions associated to some cults that dont belong to Islam they also dont cut off heads but they believe in [death penalty] , Terrorism has nothing to do with islam infact anyone who commits a suicidal action and bombed himslef and kill others weather they were Muslims or [infidels] shall go to hell in islam and the extremist parties distorte the real islam by their [prutal] and disgusting actions .
James : who are Muslims?
John: people who want to Live peacefully, eat and pray five times a dayMuslims meaning & definition 2 of Muslims.
They are the best people you can think of and are the [opposite] of all their [stereotypes]. Very kind and [lovable] people
Muslims meaning & definition 3 of Muslims.
One who submits to the will of God. They have a bad rep for terrorism, but really that is only 10% of all Muslims in the world. Many of them are horrified by that 10% and wish they would change. They live in almost every country and are just as law [abiding] as the rest of us. They value [hospitality], generosity, [celibacy], kindness and are really some of the greatest people you will ever meet if you can put away your fear and get to know them. Not every Arab is a Muslim!!!!! Every Muslim believe that there is no other God but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet.
Muslims meaning & definition 4 of Muslims.
[Half] of the [population] of [Michigan state]!
Muslims meaning & definition 5 of Muslims.
The predominant group of people in the Middle East. Half or more are peaceful and civilized, but a very large number of them are militant extremists a.k.a terrorists, Islamic radical supporters, and insurgents.
Muslims go by the [Koran] the Islamic equivalent to the Christian Bible. Within the pages of the Holy Koran, it teaches peace, while it actually says to destroy those people and other things that go against the [Muslim faith]. The contradictory words of the Koran, as well as there being non-Muslims in the Middle East, is what has led to this radical [Islamic terrorism]. Another major cause is the militant extremist leaders, such as Ayatolla or Abu [Musab] al-Zarkawi, of whom brainwash and convince the Arabic, Palistinean, Persian (Irani), and Iraqi people through their manipulation and charisma. They are made to believe that Christians and Jews are The Great Satan and the infidel.Muslims meaning & definition 6 of Muslims.
Plural for muslim. These are the majority of the people who live in [the Middle East]. Though many of them really are peaceful, [good people], a lot more of them despise America, and some of those are Islamic Terrorists. The ultimate goal for these particular muslims is the destruction of [the Western World] as well as the Jewish and Christian faiths.
Muslims meaning & definition 7 of Muslims.
a person who follows the religion of Islam
Muslims meaning & definition 8 of Muslims.