A peculiar species of rhyme, in which the last accented voweland those which follow it in one word correspond in sound with thevowels of another word, while the consonants of the two words areunlike in sound; as, calamo and platano, baby and chary.The assonance is peculiar to the Spaniard. Hallam.
Assonance meaning & definition 1 of Assonance.
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The relatively close juxtaposition of the same or similar vowel sounds, but with different end consonants in a line or passage, thus a vowel rhyme, as in the words, date and fade.
Assonance meaning & definition 2 of Assonance.
Literally means Ass
Assonance meaning & definition 3 of Assonance.
the similarity in sound between two syllables that are close together, created by the same vowels but different consonants (e.g. back and hat), or by the same consonants and different vowels (e.g. hit and hat)
Assonance meaning & definition 4 of Assonance.
In poetry, the repetition of the sound of a vowel or diphthong in nonrhyming stressed syllables near enough to each other for the echo to be discernible (e.g., penitence, reticence)
Assonance meaning & definition 5 of Assonance.