• [Karate] may be defined as a weaponless means of self defense. It consists of dynamic offensive and defensive techniques using all parts of the body to their maximum advantage. Karate practice is divided into: Kihon (drilling of stances, blocks, punches, strikes and kicks), [Kata] (pre-arranged forms simulating combat situations), and [Kumite] ([sparring]). In each category, the beginner is given instruction at the most basic level until the techniques become spontaneous. As the student progresses technically, he or she progresses physically as well, and advanced practices demand greater [stamina]. At this stage, the student becomes involved with more intricate and difficult katas and more dynamic forms of [kumite]. As the student approaches black belt level, technique, stamina, speed, and coordination become natural as a result of strong practice. It is at this stage that the [serious student] discovers that his or her study of [karate] has only just begun. The object of true karate practice is the perfection of oneself through the perfection of the art.

    Karate meaning & definition 1 of Karate.

  • An oriental system of unarmed combat using the hands and feet to deliver and block blows, widely practised as a sport.

    Karate meaning & definition 2 of Karate.

  • The [Dane Cook of] [martial arts].

    Karate meaning & definition 3 of Karate.

  • A martial art that developed in [Okinawa] in the 17th century. It primarily utilizes striking techniques, but [grappling] techniques are also [existent]. Literally, it means empty hand.

    Karate meaning & definition 4 of Karate.

  • The art of kicking major ass. Karate originated in [Okinawa], developed by peasants who were forbidden from carrying [bladed] weapons, as a method of defense against armored samurai. The classical style is characterized by very hard, short, “square” movements, as opposed to the “circular” movements of traditional Chinese kung fu, or the “long” strikes of [Tae Kwon Do]. Karate has since moved from Okinawa to Japan, and then on to the Western world after the U.S. occupation following WW2. Since then many “fake” styles have [cropped] up all over the world, based on traditional karate but lacking the proper techniques to generate power.

    Karate meaning & definition 5 of Karate.

  • Often seen as the vanilla [ice-cream] of the martial arts. People constantly argue that, for example, [jiu jitsu] or [taekwondo] are more specialist and therefore better arts.
    However, given that karate teaches a wide variety of punches, blocks and kicks, it produces well-balanced competitors.

    Karate meaning & definition 6 of Karate.

  • When you are upset enough with someone [to where] you want to hurt them, or cause physical harm. Usually an [unarmed] punch, kick, [chop], or variation thereof.

    Karate meaning & definition 7 of Karate.

  • An Asian system of unarmed combat using the hands and feet to deliver and block blows, widely practiced as a sport. It was formalized in Okinawa in the 17th century and popularized via Japan after about 1920. Karate is performed barefoot in loose padded clothing, with a colored belt indicating the level of skill, and involves mental as well as physical training.

    Karate meaning & definition 8 of Karate.

  • a sport, originally from Japan, in which people fight using their arms, legs, hands, and feet. The level of skill a person has is shown by what colour belt they wear.

    Karate meaning & definition 9 of Karate.

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