• used as slang by troops in Iraq to describe an Iraqi citizen. Usually used in an offensive context. Also spelled Hajji, because noone can make up thier minds which is correct.
    Hadji is actually a term of respect for muslims who have made the piligrmage to Mecca and completed the Hajj. Those who have completed the Hajj often have Hajj added as a prefix to thier name when being formally addressed.

    Hadji meaning & definition 1 of Hadji.

  • noun/proper noun
    (origins) American soldiers of the Second Persian Gulf War report that this derogatory and semi-racist term for arabs may have originated with the cartoon character Hadji from the 1964 television cartoon series Jonny Quest.(Released to DVD September, 2004) Hadji, a dark-skinned, turban wearing, south-indian sidekick with mystical powers was also a main character in the 1996 series The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest

    Hadji meaning & definition 2 of Hadji.

  • During Operation Iraqi Freedom, 2003, US Marines Stationed at Camp Coyote (Iraq/Kuwait Border) used the term to distinguise between the enemy and friendly forces.
    Because Kuwait has a majority of its population from India for its labor force, Hadji was used to identify the Indians (Friends) from the Muslims.
    This word originated from the cartoon character Hadji from the 1964 television cartoon series Jonny Quest. Hadji was a dark-skinned, turban wearing, south-indian sidekick. As Hadji was Jonny Quests companion, so were the Indian workers that provided camp labor support; including cooking, laundry, waste removal, etc.
    As new troops began to arrive in Kuwait, they saw the original troops calling dark-skin people Hadji and assumed the term was meant for ALL people in the region.
    After the start of the war, Hadji became the new derogatory slur for the enemy by April 2003.
    The term was later changed again to identify all Muslims in the area after the inital invasion ended and new replacement troops began to occupy the region.

    Hadji meaning & definition 3 of Hadji.

  • A racial slur generally used by members of the US Armed Forces to describe the indigenous peoples of the Arabic countries they occupy during time of war. Also used to describe anyone of the various Muslim or Hindu faiths.

    Hadji meaning & definition 4 of Hadji.

  • U.S. Army Rangers combat medics refer to the resuscitation CPR mannequin used in medical training as Hadji.

    Hadji meaning & definition 5 of Hadji.

  • [handjob], reference to Johnny Quest

    Hadji meaning & definition 6 of Hadji.

  • In soccer: to punt the ball as hard as you can towards an open and easy goal, only to find your strike sailing over the crossbar by a country mile and ending up forty-one rows behind the goal. The higher the ball goes, the louder one should exclaim.

    Hadji meaning & definition 7 of Hadji.

  • [handjob], reference to Johnny Quest

    Hadji meaning & definition 8 of Hadji.

  • A Mohammedan pilgrim to Mecca; -- used among Orientals as a
    respectful salutation or a title of honor.

    Hadji meaning & definition 9 of Hadji.

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