• A man who is incredibly sexy, but also funny. He tends to be a girls dream guy. Hes also really good in bed.

    Gary meaning & definition 1 of Gary.

  • a solid, caring person who is always available when needed most

    a super-humanly strong boy

    one who is dedicated to the happiness of others, often to the detriment of his own well-being

    a very huggable individual

    Gary meaning & definition 2 of Gary.

  • The snail pet of the Sponge bob square pants. Gary is the underwater equivilant of a cat.

    Gary meaning & definition 3 of Gary.

  • he is a very awesome person and he is very tall and sexy just the best person on the planet

    Gary meaning & definition 4 of Gary.

  • -Perfect
    -Someone Im in love with but could never have...
    -Gives the best hugs
    -The best looking guy in the world
    -Someone with GREAT hair

    Gary meaning & definition 5 of Gary.

  • A versatile word, generally used to describe the act of macking onto a woman. Can also be used to describe someone who is extremely flirtatious. Garys can only be male. Origins: Berwick, Australia

    Gary meaning & definition 6 of Gary.

    1. to barely slip by something; a hidden act that was almost caught or an act that is unexpected. Used as to pull a gary.

    2. a name for a boy

    Gary meaning & definition 7 of Gary.

  • nice guy. conservative but can also be liberal at the same time. Respects parents. Love of family and friends. Generous person to those who suffer. Religious. Male name given to guys born from the 1940s to 1990s. Gary is very smart. Outgoing. Very brave. Garys come from good families and usually have proper up-bringing. Garys always have money. Hard workers, wealthy. Garys always win. Gary is cheap and will tell you he has no money after winning a million dollars the night before and make you pay for his meal. Garys fight dirty and will pull down any obstacle or enemy. Dont make Gary mad, stay on his good side.Acts stupid on purpose so others think they have the upper hand but at last minute Gary flips the card table when you turn around and all the cards are on his side. Dont play cards with Gary. lucky in every way. Always gets what he wants. Strong body by nature. Others jealous if they knew how great he really has it. Gary is the black horse at the races that you werent paying attention to but ultimately wins. Garys are hung like horses also. Big brave balls. Control freak sometimes. Bossy. Spicy sex life, knows how to please. gets too many women pregnant. Gary is a cool cat to know. Women love Gary and see only his good personality traits. Men like Gary because he helps them get laid and covers for his buddies. In an emergency, Gary is the hero of the day. Gary bailed me out of jail once so now hes my friend for life. Gary lives in Chicago and eats pizza.

    Gary meaning & definition 8 of Gary.

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