• Technically means to [sodomize], but most people use the word in a variety of situations, often without realizing the true meaning.

    It is often considered these days to be more acceptable that the word [fuck] (as long as you are not in the presence of anyone old enough to remember the actual meaning).

    Bugger meaning & definition 1 of Bugger.

  • To sodomize someone.

    Bugger meaning & definition 2 of Bugger.

  • Australian, derived from buggering, which means anal intercourse. Now mostly used as a slang word as an exclamation of surprise or discontent. May be used to refer to a creature or human.

    Bugger meaning & definition 3 of Bugger.

  • An exclamation to a really bad occurence

    Bugger meaning & definition 4 of Bugger.

  • N. A person or animal, often a small one, such as a child or small pet. Frequently prefaced by little.
    American slang (particularly rural), not to be confused with the British cuss word.

    Bugger meaning & definition 5 of Bugger.

  • British slang.
    <i>vb.</i> the act of committing sodomy
    <i>n.</i> person who commits sodmoy (n.), ie. has anal intercourse.
    It is generally used about an annoying person or situation.

    Bugger meaning & definition 6 of Bugger.

  • A variety of meanings.

    To show annoyance
    To sodomize
    The aftermath of sodomization
    To show a lack of interest

    Bugger meaning & definition 7 of Bugger.

  • Slang term for a Formic, an insect-like alien race from the book Enders Game by Orson Scott Card. Formics were often called buggers because they resembled ants to some degree, and a hive-like reporductive strategy.

    Bugger meaning & definition 8 of Bugger.

  • An [Australianism] or [Aussieism] for shit or damn, it actually has many many uses.
    Can be put with the words it or off to make to similarly different meanings.

    Bugger meaning & definition 9 of Bugger.

  • A person who is awesome at finding bugs in software. A Quality Assurance equivalent to a hacker.

    Bugger meaning & definition 10 of Bugger.

  • An [Australianism] or [Aussieism] for shit or damn, it actually has many many uses.
    Can be put with the words it or off to make to similarly different meanings.

    Bugger meaning & definition 11 of Bugger.

  • One guilty of buggery or unnatural vice; a sodomite.

    Bugger meaning & definition 12 of Bugger.

  • Used as a term of abuse, typically for a man.

    Bugger meaning & definition 13 of Bugger.

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