• A person who is attracted to the oppisite sex

    Heterosexual meaning & definition 1 of Heterosexual.

  • A straight person.

    Heterosexual meaning & definition 2 of Heterosexual.

  • People that are both romantically and sexually attracted to the opposite gender. So females are attracted to males/males are attracted to females.
    This is obviously the most common sexual orientation in the world, due to biology. (You can only get offspring if a male and female have sex) and probably due to religious and social factors (its a crime in some places to not be heterosexual, and many religions condemn homosexuality/bisexuality)
    However, just because its the most common, and socially/biologically/religiously corrct, doesnt necessarily mean homosexuality and bisexuality are wrong or weird.
    Everyone should have the choice and right to be what they want to be, including their sexual choice. Its in no ones place to judge or condemn people because of their sexuality. Just like its wrong to judge people based on his/her race, sex or socio-economic class.

    Heterosexual meaning & definition 3 of Heterosexual.

  • One who is sexually attracted to members of the opposite sex.
    For some reason some people (def. 2) seem to think that heterosexuals are all homophobic or think other sexual preferences are wrong. Really, most heterosexual people dont have a proplem with homosexuality at all.
    Heterosexual is the most common sexual orientation in the world, not because everyone is secretly gay and dont want to come out with it, but because people are born that way. However quite a lot of the new generation are gay or bisexual so this could change soon.
    So please dont think that heterosexual people are all completely anit-gay, only straight because its their religeon, secretly homosexual, or anything like that. Not all heterosexuals make it their lifes work to abuse homosexuals. Weve usually got better stuff to do.

    Heterosexual meaning & definition 4 of Heterosexual.

  • Someone who is sexually attracted to chairs

    Heterosexual meaning & definition 5 of Heterosexual.

  • When youre only attracted to people of the opposite sex, and in some cases, opposite gender.

    Heterosexual meaning & definition 6 of Heterosexual.

  • Being Heterosexual is the quality or characteristic of being romantically, and sexually attracted to the opposite sex or gender. Heterosexual men are attracted to women, and heterosexual women are attracted to men. [Heterosexuality] is the most common sexual orientation in the world among humans, and animals. People who are Heterosexual are referred to as straight.
    Heterosexuality is the basis of civilization due to the fact that it leads to [procreation], and [reproduction].

    Heterosexual meaning & definition 7 of Heterosexual.

  • Hetero means of the opposite. [Therefore], Hetero-sexual means attracted to someone of the opposite sex. [Heterosexuality] is [shared] between a male and female and vise-versa. This is also reffered to as straight.

    Heterosexual meaning & definition 8 of Heterosexual.

  • An individual that cannot [sit] within 5 [feet] of the same [gender] in a hot-tub

    Heterosexual meaning & definition 9 of Heterosexual.

  • (of a person) sexually attracted to people of the opposite sex.

    Heterosexual meaning & definition 10 of Heterosexual.

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