• A fish; the ruff. Pope Joan, a game at cards played on a roundboard with compartments.-- Popes

    Pope meaning & definition 1 of Pope.

  • A holy dude witha cool hat and bullet-proff golf cart

    Pope meaning & definition 2 of Pope.

  • An awesome guy that rides aroud in a Pope mobile because he got shot. He actually went to prison and personally forgave the guy that shot him. Thats love.

    Pope meaning & definition 3 of Pope.

  • Dude who tells people not to use condoms so we can have more brats running around and STD's will become more a part of our lives than it is already.

    Pope meaning & definition 4 of Pope.

  • The leader of the Roman Catholic Church. He has the power to appoint and remove church leaders, including the electors in the College of Cardinals.

    Pope meaning & definition 5 of Pope.

  • An elderly unmarried white dude that walks around with a hat and a robe for his own pleasure, and then tells you being gay is wrong.

    Pope meaning & definition 6 of Pope.

    1. a pretty fuckin cool guy. he yelled at president Pussy Bush.

    2. cool enough to get a bullet proff golf cart and name it the

    Pope meaning & definition 7 of Pope.

  • He used to be in the Hitler Youth.

    Pope meaning & definition 8 of Pope.

  • Preaches man-made theologies that encourage sexism and homophobia (compared the holocaust with homosexuality) and supports ignorant and archaic views on abstinence, birth control and abortion that intensifies the spread of AIDS. He also helps to protect priests who are known repeated child rapists.

    Pope meaning & definition 9 of Pope.

  • Pope(Latin, Father); The title of the Bishop of Rome, the western roman catholic church. The first Bishop of Rome is believed to be St. Peter, since in Matthew 16 Christ gave the Keys of Heaven unto St. Peter, meaning authority in Isaiah 22 of the Old Testament. Authority over God's household. Through Apostolic Succession, the title of Bishop of Rome has been kept in tact, the current Bishop of Rome is, John Paul II successor of the Seat of Peter. For any of you ignorant of anything or history, the Popes who did the inquisition and crusades never touched doctrine, therefore the Church has been saved from their awful duty as an individual. The Pope also serves much use, and to the ignorant Christians; there are 21 Rites of the Roman Catholic Church, therefore attacking the Church as a whole, you're attacking yourself, considering protestants came off the Latin Rite or known as, the Roman Rite in the western side of Christianity.

    Pope meaning & definition 10 of Pope.

  • A [moron] in a [dress].

    Pope meaning & definition 11 of Pope.

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