• That place on Facebook where your friend requests reside before you accept them as your friend. If someone requests to be your friend you can keep them in purgatory by neither accepting nor rejecting their friendship.

    Purgatory meaning & definition 3 of Purgatory.

  • An imaginary place invented by the [Catholic Church] to assuage family members of dead people heading to [hell] that there is still a last chance for them to [heaven] if they intercede for them—gifts and cash donation could help speed up the process.

    Purgatory meaning & definition 4 of Purgatory.

  • A celestial waiting room where christians are punished so that they may atone for their sins before passing into heaven, as written in the Divine Comedy by Dante Algheri. Purgatory is very unlike hell in that it is simply temporary.

    Purgatory meaning & definition 5 of Purgatory.

  • A state of mind that Roman Catholics believe you go to if you have sinned on earth but you believe in Jesus. You stay in purgatory untill you have paid off all your sins, however some people stay there forever.

    Purgatory meaning & definition 6 of Purgatory.

  • A part of the afterlife where souls are kept until they are allowed to enter [heaven]. Catholics (such as Dante Alighieri) believe in this because they think souls need to be clean before they can be allowed into heaven, as opposed to Protestants who believe that accepting [Jesus] as ones personal savior entitles one to heaven automatically no matter how filthy your soul is.
    It is unpleasant and fiery like [hell], but the souls there are not like the damned, in that they love God and are already saved. Part of the torment is the waiting. A term in purgatory can vary widely in length, from a few minutes to the end of the world, and in intensity, from just slightly less bad than hell to simply kept in a waiting room. Like prison, visitations by angels and saints are allowed for some souls.

    Purgatory meaning & definition 7 of Purgatory.

  • Where one ends up when theyre in a relationship that theyre desperately trying to escape from; Being stuck in limbo unable to escape their relationship

    Purgatory meaning & definition 8 of Purgatory.

  • The tv show supernatural defines purgatory as a place where any supernatural creature goes after death

    Purgatory meaning & definition 9 of Purgatory.

  • When [2 people] are obviously into each other and [behave] like a couple, but dont actually go out...yet. This may be due to one or both of the people being uncomfortable with being in a [committed relationship].

    Purgatory meaning & definition 10 of Purgatory.

  • (in Catholic doctrine) a place or state of suffering inhabited by the souls of sinners who are expiating their sins before going to heaven.

    Purgatory meaning & definition 11 of Purgatory.

  • Can be used as an adjective to describe a weird or [surreal] experience. A situation described as Purgatory usually has a [chaotic energy] and makes you extremely [uncomfy].

    Purgatory meaning & definition 12 of Purgatory.

  • (in Roman Catholic doctrine) a place or state of suffering inhabited by the souls of sinners who are expiating their sins before going to heaven.

    Purgatory meaning & definition 13 of Purgatory.

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