• male-oriented seductive moves that are typically used to attract a female. Usually its a combination of but not limited to:

    1. The most stereotypical ones are flexing a muscle, [puffing] [a chest], deepening your voice, smooth-talking your way into a girl’s pants.
      Then there are others like
    2. purposely [towering] over a girl to seem like an alpha or staring a girl down in a dominant way to stir something primal in her
    3. doing traditional masculine tasks to show off physique
    4. wearing plain shirts or pants that are too tight in all the right places
    5. doing something that shows the skillfulness of your big strong hands
    6. putting your arm around a girl
    7. lifting a girl up to show off upper body strength
    8. putting your hand [on the small] of her back
    9. walking in a commanding, [authoritative] way (or with swagger) that calls attention to your presence
    10. smiling at her in a sly and knowing way
    11. making suggestive jokes to remind girls to view you in a sexual way
    12. acting so incredibly [gentlemanly] that a girl feels comfortable and safe enough to be emotionally and potentially physically naked in front of you
    13. pulling up his shirt to show off abs if hes muscular

    Masculine wiles meaning & definition 1 of Masculine wiles.

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