1. A beautiful, classy girl. Artistic, passionate--a go getter. Deep emotionally with an amazing capacity to love and be loved. Very talented and everyone's best friend. A natural mother and nurturer. Girls want to be her, Guys want to marry her.

    2. The color of chocolate mixed with caramel. Darker in the summer (Burnt Sienna) and cooler in the winter (Raw Sienna)

    3. A beautiful woman of color...or with a tan!

    Sienna meaning & definition 3 of Sienna.

  • the best singer ever. usally has brown eyes. is the most beatiful person to walk gods earth.

    Sienna meaning & definition 4 of Sienna.

  • A sweetheart on the inside, but can be very loud and boisterous. Wants love badly, so gets with boys whoo then turn her down afterwards. Likes to change her hair color often, and laughs at a lot. Loves to be friendly, but usually puts out the wrong impression and is judged to easily. Give her a chance, and you could have a bestfriend for life.

    Sienna meaning & definition 5 of Sienna.

  • A special clay containing iron and manganese oxides, used for painting.

    An earthy substance, brownish-gold when raw and orange or reddish-brown when burnt.

    The color cocoa

    Siena, Italian city.

    Sienna is an earth pigment found to be used in cave paintings.

    Sienna meaning & definition 6 of Sienna.

  • Beautiful Young Woman With The Ability To Do Greatness 💪🏻

    Sienna meaning & definition 7 of Sienna.

  • A little hyperactive girl that engoys snorting sugar.

    Sienna meaning & definition 8 of Sienna.

  • [Sienna] ,[sienna], sienna , what can you say Sienna is such a beautiful girl all the girls and boys [wanna be] her friends she might not seem friendly at first but once you get toooooo know her you will instantly love her she is sooo wonderful Funny and weird and very very prettyyy she has so
    Many friends from inside of
    School and out . Everyone wants to know sienna she is such an amazing person if you know a sienna I suggest you talk to her [hahaha]

    Sienna meaning & definition 9 of Sienna.

  • Sienna is a true [joker]. She knows how to make everyone laugh, and you will always find yourself smiling and very [invested] in what she has to say. She is an even better friend, you can do everything together. She will be accepting and will stand up for you and for what is right. She is an old soul, she doesnt like the new generation. She is so [striking], everyone loves her so much, guys love her. She can fit in with every crowd.

    Sienna meaning & definition 10 of Sienna.

  • She is the Best person alive bro!! SHE IS SOOO FREAKING LOYAL AND NICE IT’S NOT FUNNY ️️! She can make your day better just by saying hi and she is EXTREMELY supportive! Everyone likes her and she’s easy to be friends with! She doesn’t come with the requirements other friends have, just be nice and loyal and you’re good. [Sisi] you’re [my Homie], [ILYSFM]️️️️-Jazzy

    Sienna meaning & definition 11 of Sienna.

  • She is usually a [brunette] with brown eyes. She is a very funny, [cute girl] who has [a toe] fetish. If you ever find a Sienna don’t loose her or you will be sorry.

    Sienna meaning & definition 12 of Sienna.

  • A kind of ferruginous earth used as a pigment in painting, normally yellowish-brown in color (raw sienna) or deep reddish-brown when roasted (burnt sienna).

    Sienna meaning & definition 13 of Sienna.

  • a type of soil that is used to colour paint

    Sienna meaning & definition 14 of Sienna.

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