• The belief that if one knew absolutely every single thing there is to know about the present, than that person could predict with perfect accuracy every single event that would happen in the future. This is based off the idea of cause and affect, and the structured and unchanging laws of physics. Simply put, determinism = fate.
    This is often related to theology in that unless by some unknown means time has existed [for all eternity], something had to have started existence. Has all matter simply been here forever, with no beginning? Thats a pretty [hard to believe] theory, if you think about it. Something HAD to have started the universe somewhere, sometime. And with the first single event that started the [chain reaction] that is time, the fate of everything that has and will ever happen has already been written. But then brings the question, from where did the creator of time and space come from? But meh, these are things we will probably never know, I think you get my point anyway.

    Determinism meaning & definition 1 of Determinism.

  • The doctrine that all events, including human action, are ultimately determined by causes external to the will. Some philosophers have taken determinism to imply that individual human beings have no free will and cannot be held morally responsible for their actions.

    Determinism meaning & definition 2 of Determinism.

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