• A person with left-wing political views.

    Leftist meaning & definition 1 of Leftist.

  • Similar to a liberal in that this represents [left-wing] viewpoint on the [political spectrum], but self-identified leftists are typically more [anti-capitalist] than liberals. Sometimes used by right-wingers as a derogatory term.

    Leftist meaning & definition 2 of Leftist.

  • Someone holding “left” political-economic views (e.g. [anti-capitalist], socialist, anarchist...).
    Leftist views often [critique] [capitalist] markets as being wholly insufficient in satisfying human rights and desires.

    Leftist meaning & definition 3 of Leftist.

  • A member of an [ideological] camp that defines socialism as a form of [totalitarian] secular [feudalism]; an advocate for the management of non-Leftist people as farm animals

    Leftist meaning & definition 4 of Leftist.

  • A name given to a person with [left wing] beliefs by somebody who is [right-wing].
    Often derogatory.
    see [leftie]

    Leftist meaning & definition 5 of Leftist.

  • 1)a lazy, self serving, [communistic], marxist, [anti-christian], [islamist] loving weasel
    2)a inadequate, insecure person who tries to silence and belittle those who disagree with their opinions, but in reality all they do is delete those popular and truthful urbandictionary defintions.

    Leftist meaning & definition 6 of Leftist.

  • A [group] of people who [need] a [mental hospital].

    Leftist meaning & definition 7 of Leftist.

  • Someone who thinks [liberty] is found through government controls in [economics]; which makes no sense. They also beleive liberty pertaining to drugs, abortion, and [prostitution] is found through the lack of government which makes much sense.

    Leftist meaning & definition 8 of Leftist.

  • a supporter of the political left:

    Leftist meaning & definition 9 of Leftist.

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