• Anyone who isn't Scott Disick

    Peasant meaning & definition 3 of Peasant.

  • An especially pathetic, low to moderate income individual that attempts to inflate their perceived social status by acquiring material goods sometimes associated with their wealthier counterparts - but immediately identifiable as peasants by their attempts to do so.
    Peasants often attempt to acquire things like Louis Vuitton purses, lower end version BMW or Jaguar automobiles, large but poor quality solitaire diamonds for rings, new version cell phones, trendy sunglasses, and bottle service tables at nightclubs.
    Such individuals typically lack the education or worldly exposure to realize that they actually look like low class impostors to anyone wealthy enough to comfortably afford such high end consumer items.

    Peasant meaning & definition 4 of Peasant.

  • Definitely not me; you

    Peasant meaning & definition 5 of Peasant.

  • Peasant oringally refered to the lowest class of society often small farmers, tenants, laborers who had to do hard manual labour to earn a small wage. They lived in poverty.
    It is now used as an insult as well. The suggestion being the person or thing being insulted is simple minded, rustic, crude or of a low status then person who is using the insult.
    It is mainly used in Australia.

    Peasant meaning & definition 6 of Peasant.

  • A [farm] worker, usually [poor]. The most [common] type of person in a pre-industrial society (usually 66 to 95%), and of the lowest class.
    Peasants were/are typically small [farmer]s, [tenant] farmers, [sharecropper]s, farmhands, and [laborer]s and invariably [rural], living in [village]s and tending land which is practically theirs but officially belongs to the wealthy.
    Usually an insult for [dirty], [uncouth], un[sophisticated] people of low status.
    Peasants stereotypically have virtually no [education], [nonexistent] [hygiene], are [conservative], and have almost no rights, despite that their work requires careful planning and that they are not averse to protests.

    Peasant meaning & definition 7 of Peasant.

  • Any person who believes that console gaming is superior to pc gaming. You can identify most peasants by their young age, high pitched voice, and an odor of mountain dew and Doritos. Take pity on these poor souls and help them to ascend to the glorious pc master race.

    Peasant meaning & definition 8 of Peasant.

  • A lesser being worthy of little to no human rights.
    The personification of severely pathetic; an amateur of the utmost degree.
    Though the words origins are rooted in economic status, the current economic correlation to an individuals peasantry is indirect. Granted, 21st Century peasants do frequently carry the inadmirable traits of medieval peasants including offensive hygiene, alarming stupidity, and physical characteristics befitting of ridicule. Unfortunately, these essentially nonessential creatures can be found in most walks of life.

    Peasant meaning & definition 9 of Peasant.

  • An annoying non-tumblr using cunt that is very oblivious to the internet world and isnt in any fandom.

    Anyone who thinks David Karp, Louis Tomlinson and Scott Disick arent sassy.

    Basically people who dont have tumblr or dont know ship any two celebrities or dont have an OTP are peasants.

    Peasant meaning & definition 10 of Peasant.

  • A [farm] worker, usually [poor]. The most [common] type of person in a pre-industrial society (usually 66 to 95%), and of the lowest class.
    Peasants were/are typically small [farmer]s, [tenant] farmers, [sharecropper]s, farmhands, and [laborer]s and invariably [rural], living in [village]s and tending land which is practically theirs but officially belongs to the wealthy.
    Usually an insult for [dirty], [uncouth], un[sophisticated] people of low status.
    Peasants stereotypically have virtually no [education], [nonexistent] [hygiene], are [conservative], and have almost no rights, despite that their work requires careful planning and that they are not averse to protests.

    Peasant meaning & definition 11 of Peasant.

  • A peasant originally a term used to describe an agricultural [laborer], usually those living in Medieval Europe under [feudalism]. Peasants were predominant in the European interior, in contrast to Roman

    Peasant meaning & definition 12 of Peasant.

  • A person who is [inferior] to another in a certain area of skill, [usu]. [humorous]

    Peasant meaning & definition 13 of Peasant.

  • A [wayward] [serf]. The lowest of [the low].

    Peasant meaning & definition 14 of Peasant.

  • Synonymous with [pigeon]. A [peasant] is a label used to describe a male in which a female does not, and will never, take seriously. A peasant, similar to a pigeon, is automatically [disqualified]

    Peasant meaning & definition 15 of Peasant.

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