• A Scandinavian legend, or heroic or mythic tradition, among theNorsemen and kindred people; a northern European popular historicalor religious tale of olden time.And then the blue-eyed Norseman told A saga of the days of old.Longfellow.

    Saga meaning & definition 1 of Saga.

  • Another name for LeTourneau University dining hall. Usually characterized by its terrible food, long lines, and horrible dumps afterward.

    Saga meaning & definition 2 of Saga.

  • The quality or condition of being dramatic to the point of exceeding what is normally considered [drama].

    A long detailed report: recounted the saga of their family problems.

    Saga meaning & definition 3 of Saga.

  • An extremely talented Canadian progressive-rock band. Know for their international hits On

    Saga meaning & definition 4 of Saga.

  • 1.a. A prose narrative usually written in Iceland between 1120 and 1400, dealing with the families that first settled Iceland and their descendants, with the histories of the kings of Norway, and with the myths and legends of early Germanic gods and heroes.
    b. A modern prose narrative that resembles a saga.

    A long detailed report: recounted the saga of their family problems.
    What Twilight is not

    Saga meaning & definition 5 of Saga.

  • A legendary story,that assembles heroes,that has lasted a long period of time.

    Saga meaning & definition 6 of Saga.

  • Sexuality and Gender Accepting.

    A term for the community of [LGBTQ ] and their allies.

    A standard abbreviation to replace [LGBTTQQIAAP], as it is too cumbersome

    Saga meaning & definition 7 of Saga.

  • Saga is a ski brand known as Saga Outerwear. It is the sickest and dopeaf ski brand ever

    Saga meaning & definition 8 of Saga.

  • An alcoholic lager beverage made from Sage, manufactured since the late 1800's in Iceland.

    Saga meaning & definition 9 of Saga.

  • Saggy balls which are raised up by being turned on when you have sex.

    Saga meaning & definition 10 of Saga.

  • A shortening of Saga-Saga, the tribe that destroyed village of the Bornesians leaving one sole survivor. The sole survivor was raised by wolves and survived feeding off the milk from a wolf mothers breast.

    Often used to start conversations in messenger applications.

    Saga meaning & definition 11 of Saga.

  • A long story of heroic achievement, especially a medieval prose narrative in Old Norse or Old Icelandic.

    Saga meaning & definition 12 of Saga.

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