• The husband of ones mother by a subsequent marriage.

    Stepfather meaning & definition 1 of Stepfather.

  • Usually a [bad man] who tricks a single woman with kids into marrying him because he says he will not try to discipline her children and will only enjoy being with them. Once these 2 people buy a house together, the stepfather turns into a complete asshole. He threatens to [kick out] his new wifes oldest son a lot because that son sees right through his bullshit. Does not respect the children of his wife, and in my moms case, doesnt even respect his wife. Will threaten to hurt the boys in the family, but is usually too much of a pussy to even throw a punch. Has a God complex and expects his [stepchildren] to respect him while he shows their mother the utmost disrespect. The second man to ruin my family and we celebrated when we moved out of that house and away from him.

    Stepfather meaning & definition 2 of Stepfather.

  • An egotistical, [sycophantic], asshole that said he is a [recovering] alcoholic and drug user, and a complete [control freak] that always dishes out threats that his ass cant pay. He is responsible for the many metal and physical damages that my mother has suffered in this fucking state.

    Stepfather meaning & definition 3 of Stepfather.

  • A stupid jackass that destroyed my mothers life by bringing her down and [squelching] her dreams. Also, he is a little girl with no opinions of his own or self control. Completely psychotic at times; locks himself in bathroom because he cant handle stress and because he is psycho.

    A little girl inside an old mans body who has never had personal growth. Often yells out and trys to grow teenie-tiny [little balls] during arguments- teenie-tiny little balls that soon disappear just as soon as they came.

    A diabetic alcoholic.

    A complete loser who is known to have abandoned his wife in the middle of the night on [the Las] Vegas Strip with no money, cell phone, or way of finding her way back to the hotel- all because he threw a baby fit.

    A total douchebag who throws baby fits due to an inferiority complex.

    A person who somehow hasnt been divorced by my mother and/or shot by his [stepson].

    A little man who sits on a [4 inch] thick pillow atop his seat to give him that extra height while driving his [lifted truck] so that he can feel like a big boy for once in his life.

    Stepfather meaning & definition 4 of Stepfather.

  • A man, sometimes with the best of intentions, who falls in love with and marries a woman with children. Someone that everyone [gangs] up on and that will never belong even if he treats everyone very well. Step-fathers-mothers-brothers-sisters arent necessarily wicked because of their behavior, but are because of the nature of the situation. Some stepfathers are messed up, but some arent and are mistreated by the majority of the [household]. Years of hurt sometimes surface as anger and everything falls apart. Unfortunately, [divorce] is necessary in some cases.

    Stepfather meaning & definition 5 of Stepfather.

  • When a [MILF] gives you head, then you cum in her mouth, after she [swallows] she kisses her kids [goodnight].

    Stepfather meaning & definition 6 of Stepfather.

  • n. One who doesnt feel like he needs forgiveness for physt-abuse and [arrested development] which has led to emotional confusion for the recipient in adulthood. One who also shifts the blame for a divorce due to [suppressed] guilt on this same individual, because a passive mother is [awakened]. A stepfather is only in the past, but visits sub-consciously in the step-sons/daughters life when presented with possible life-changing events in his or her path. A human who must be forgiven, so I can be.

    Stepfather meaning & definition 7 of Stepfather.

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