• Any male.
    Fellas = A group of males.
    Is NOT a synonym of friend/pal/mate.

    Fella meaning & definition 1 of Fella.

    1. A male.

    2. A boyfriend.

    Fella meaning & definition 2 of Fella.

  • Means mate; friend; pal. Combined from FELLow A.

    Fella meaning & definition 3 of Fella.

  • mate, [bloke]

    Fella meaning & definition 4 of Fella.

  • Fella: The ultimate insult.

    Within certain circles of the British Military the word cunt is so regularly used it has lost all meaning and causes no offence whatsoever.

    The word fella is now commonly used as a replacement and holds equally insulting attributes as the word cunt does to most normal people.

    Fella meaning & definition 5 of Fella.

  • Something girls used to refer to their boyfriends as - possibly back in the 50s or 60s.

    Something that home-body girls still call their guys in modern times - usu. after becoming engaged.

    Personal plea: Please, get with the times. No one but your grandma has any excuse to talk like that.

    Fella meaning & definition 6 of Fella.

  • An alternative to [Lad] or [Bro], Fella is a term used to refer to a male who enjoys high level [banter].

    Tending to be used more amongst eductaed circles and possiby originating in Oxford as a variance on the term [Fellow], the term has gained particular popularity in recent years at The Queens College, Oxford from which it has become widely used across the University.

    Fellas will constantly refer to each other as Fella rather than by name and will be able to distinguish different meanings from the word Fella by the way the word is pronounced.

    For example F-hell-a, said in a more drawn out manner will often be used to suggest a particularly fella-ish fella or an impressive feat, often involving drinking alcohol.

    There are various pre-cursors to the term Fella which may be used to refer to different types of Fella. These include Big Fella, Lil Fella, True Fella and Alpha Fella.

    Fella meaning & definition 7 of Fella.

  • A person

    Fella meaning & definition 8 of Fella.

  • How one would [greet] others when joining a [Discord] voice [channel].

    Fella meaning & definition 9 of Fella.

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