• Mostly seen now adays when posers write it on there bags or hands. They never have any idea what it means, and probably have no interest in politics whatsoever.

    Anarchy meaning & definition 1 of Anarchy.

  • Anarchy arises from ancient Greek An, meaning without and Archos meaning leader.
    In modern political philosophy anarchy, or anarchism (the ideology which aims to create anarchy) is traced back, often, to Proudhon, and in particular his work What is property? - the origin of the still used anarchist slogan Property is theft!
    Contrary to belief that anarchy is synomous with Disorder, anarchists generally advocate non-hierarchical, horizontal organization, typically through directly democratic structures. As such, there is a degree of common ground between anarchists and libertarian Marxists. Many anarchists are highly supportive of the practice of the Zapatistas in Chiapas.

    Anarchy meaning & definition 2 of Anarchy.

  • Opposition to all forms of authoritarian organisation and hierarchy. A society in which individuals cooperate as equels.

    Anarchy meaning & definition 3 of Anarchy.

  • A form of society based around the lack of a ruling class and an emphasis on individual freedom and equality. An ideal form of anarchy would involve a cooperative socialist gift economy, in which goods are freely produced and distributed according to need. Crime would not be the huge problem most people would imagine. Anyone with a basic knowledge of history knows that crime was never a huge problem until urbanization and then industrialization. A focus on community and civic responsibility would nearly eliminate violent crime (smaller, tightly knit communities have virtually no crime, even today). Property crime would be even a less of a problem, given that no one has more than anyone else and destruction of public property would be destruction of ones own property. In case a crime is committed, any and every member of the community is capable of either preventing the crime before hand or apprehending the criminal afterwards, a system which worked for thousands of years before police forces became common during the Industrial Revolution. A common argument against such a system is that human nature would eventually lead to a return of capitalism and the establishment of government. This is not a part of human nature, however. Human beings have almost no instincts at birth. A tendency towards government and capitalism is a product of societal conditioning, not a natural inclination. There have been examples of similar systems working in the real world, including many in Spain during the Revolutions of the late 1930s. Living standards generally increased in these areas.

    Anarchy meaning & definition 4 of Anarchy.

  • A system of governement where there is no governement.Many punks say they want anarchy without knowing what it is.Most do this as their punk heroes said it who heard it from the Sex Pistols.While it works in theory(everyone helps each other, no authority) it will not work in real life as with a lack of government, humans will run riot.People will be terrified and band together for protection.Therefore tribes will spring up who will then ally and become towns.Society will start all over again

    Anarchy meaning & definition 5 of Anarchy.

    1. From the political left, anarchy is a state of complete freedom characterized by unity, peace and equality all in the absense of a governing force.

    2. From the politcal right, anarchy is a state of complete chaos and disorder. Anarcho-capitalism is an example of right-winged anarchy.

    3. Politics: A radical form of direct democracy

    Anarchy meaning & definition 6 of Anarchy.

  • the nonexistence of government. The theory became popular in the 80s punk/hardcore scene, but for the most part has since faded away. Mostly seen today when posers write it on their books and bags and anything else they can find to write on. its rare to find a true anarchist anymore, but theyre out there, and when they talk about their beliefs, no one listens to them because theyre crazy and the world needs structure. Contrary to most belief, Anarchy does not HAVE to be chaos (although it usually is)

    Anarchy meaning & definition 7 of Anarchy.

  • A state of society where there is no governing body, synomym for chaos. The idea of anarchy is to have an equal power distributed throughout all society, people screw that part up but wanting more than is alotted to them. There is no lack of morality, just that the morality is chosen by the individual, not by the government. Anarchy has been tried in the past, such as in Catalonia during the Spanish Civil War, but has never succeeded. Anarchy usually has a negative conotation due to those who follow it and wish it, but is basically what you make it.

    Anarchy meaning & definition 8 of Anarchy.

  • Absence of government; the state of society where there is
    no law or supreme power; a state of lawlessness; political confusion.

    Anarchy meaning & definition 9 of Anarchy.

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