• I noticed most of the other definitions here completely trash fanfiction.

    First, definition: Fanfiction is when someone takes either the story or characters (or both) of a certain piece of work, whether it be a novel, tv show, movie, etc, and create their own story based on it. Sometimes people will take characters from one movie and put them in another, which is called a [cross-over].

    Most people who bash fanfiction are not willing to look past the fact that its based on something else to see that it could be worth reading IF you like the subject. If they dont like the subject, then obviously they are going to automatically dismiss the fanfiction.

    It is true, however, that some fanfictions are rather poorly written and only a few hundred words, and it is also true that some people just write them so they can have their favorite characters have sex ([lemon]). But, if you take the time to find something decent, you can end up with a fanfiction story that is so close to the original piece of art, that youd barely notice the difference.

    Fanfiction meaning & definition 1 of Fanfiction.

  • n.
    A piece of fiction within a [fandom] utilizing characters and situations from a pre-existing work including (but not limited to) books, television programs, films, and comic strips.
    Typically separated into [het], [slash], and general genres. Often used to play out [AU] scenarios and/or various romantic pairings not found in the original work.
    Distributed via mailing lists, [blog]s, and [zine]s. Heavily archived online.

    Fanfiction meaning & definition 2 of Fanfiction.

  • Something this English teacher heartily approves of as a way for writers to hone their art in a supportive community.
    Some of the best stuff Ive ever read can be found in the fandom!

    Fanfiction meaning & definition 3 of Fanfiction.

  • Fiction written by fans for other fans about the [fandoms] that they like. Usually the author takes the characters and/or the setting of the fandom and writes a new or continueing plot. Sometimes they write [crossovers]

    Fanfiction meaning & definition 4 of Fanfiction.

  • A work of fiction utilizing characters from a book, television show, or movie, as opposed to original characters. Referred to as fanfiction because it is generally written by fans obsessed with the book, television show, or movie.

    Fanfiction meaning & definition 5 of Fanfiction.

  • Stories written by fans of a certain TV show, cartoon, anime, book, or movie using existing plots, characters, or ideas from the series but then continuing the story, adding new characters, changing the ending, or changing the plot.
    Most are written by an obsessed fan who invents a character thats supposed to be like him/her, only 10 times prettier, smarter, and stronger who falls in love with whoever the fan has a crush on. Many of them have poor grammar, thin plots, and bad spelling. But there are a few with original ideas, great storylines, and interesting fancharacters writeen by creative writters. These ones are worth reading.
    Most fanfiction is found only at fansites of the series or a general site for all types of fanfiction.

    Fanfiction meaning & definition 6 of Fanfiction.

    1. A fans way of letting a story they love continue on by creating a new story in the same world.

    2. A fans way of saving their favorite characters, fixing things they dont like in the plot, and pairing up characters that have nothing in common, were never supposed to be together, and have zero chemistry.

    3. Your English teachers worst nightmare.

    Fanfiction meaning & definition 7 of Fanfiction.

  • Put bluntly, fiction by the fans. Created by fans of any particular fandom, 50% of fanfiction is crap, 24% is non-crappy [smut], 25% fits into the category of crap and smut, and the remaining 1% is some pretty good stuff.
    Something English teachers dont like.

    Fanfiction meaning & definition 8 of Fanfiction.

  • Noun; nouns coming before it often act as adjective ([Warhammer 40,000] Fanfiction). A story based within a pre-existing world, which may or may not include [canonical] (canon) characters as major or minor actors. Usually also includes [non-canon] characters, commonly referred to as [OCs] among the community. Though technically canon characters are also OCs, stories that focus majorly or entirely around OCs are considered OC fiction, or OC stories. Many OC stories allow readers to submit their own characters to the story, though its wise to do some research before hand to avoid having your character butchered.

    There are many fanfiction writers out there who do genuinely amazing work with fanfiction, especially with stories which involve no canon characters. Its very difficult to butcher a canon characters personality if theyre not present, and its fairly easy to remain true to lore in most cases.
    Unfortunately, theres also a lot of horny idiots who write fanfiction so that they can see their favourite characters having sex, even if there is no way this would ever happen in the source material ever. Theres also a fair amount of fics that turn otherwise well-rounded characters into complete Mary [Sues] (see the fanfiction written for [Homestucks] Vriska--actually, dont; I dont want to responsible for making anyone cry), or which completely ignore established canon in favour of [headcanon].

    Fanfiction meaning & definition 9 of Fanfiction.

  • a story that is written using characters from different stories that have been previously written, such as Harry Potter, or a manga/anime, such as [Naruto] or [Inuyasha], that may involve self-inserts or [OC] (original characters).

    Fanfiction meaning & definition 10 of Fanfiction.

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