• also know as the Big [Bertha] Club...[Rebbeca] Moiza is the fat founder..she is also [a rat]...peace

    Bbc meaning & definition 4 of Bbc.

  • [Bitches Be Crazy]
    The phrase bitches be crazy has now been shortened to BBC for your use and accessibility. That time when you cant put your finger one what exactly it is about that girl. BBC.
    Originally coined in a situation where a man dated a woman and then she vanished and stopped calling, etc, only for the man to find out via facebook a week later she just entered a relationship. BBC.
    In a bad roommate situation and your friends ask what happened and what went wrong, the only reply you need? BBC. [Bitches be crazy].
    The first letter can also be altered to each situation, i.e. [GBC] - gingers be crazy.

    Bbc meaning & definition 5 of Bbc.

  • Big black cock

    Bbc meaning & definition 6 of Bbc.

  • [Beautiful] [British Columbia]

    Bbc meaning & definition 7 of Bbc.

  • [One] who broadcasts their [opinions] too [often].

    Bbc meaning & definition 8 of Bbc.

  • Acronym for [Bitch Be Cool]. Used to [calm] someone who is [overly excited].

    Bbc meaning & definition 9 of Bbc.

  • Bad Bitch Crew - A group of friends/girls that are all good looking or hot [by any means]. Everyone wants to be around or associated with them and they always get invited or escorted to tables in clubs with [no questions asked].

    Bbc meaning & definition 10 of Bbc.

  • its an acryonomn that stands for [Boss Bitch] Clique ([pg] version: Beautiful [Bossy] Chicks), which is a group of beautiful, intelligent and ambitious women.

    Bbc meaning & definition 11 of Bbc.

  • (n.) [bald by choice]; one who chooses to be [bald], as opposed to one who is [merely] losing his hair

    Bbc meaning & definition 12 of Bbc.

  • BBC stands for [British] Born [Chinese]. A [chinese] person who is born in the UK. This person would have a British [passport] also English would be his/her main language.

    Bbc meaning & definition 13 of Bbc.

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