• a japanese honorific, or suffix added to the end of ones name. chan is usually used when:

    the person is a small child, ie, younger sibling or friends sibling

    the person is cute, usually younger, usually a girl

    can be used on pet cats, dogs, etc..

    -chan is mostly used by those in the anime community in america. chan is not often used unless you are familiar with that person and they are younger then you, or they are someone you are familiar withs younger sibling. since chan can mean cute, some boys looking to be manly may be a bit offended by it. also, it should be noted that the suffix chan is used mostly among friends. you wouldnt greet a freshman you dont know as chan, but perhaps as <their name>-kohai. (kohai meaning something along the lines of lower classman)

    Chan meaning & definition 1 of Chan.

  • chan, usually used in the plural as chans, can refer to the large array of English-language websites that were inspired by the japanese imageboard 2channel. The largest and most influential of the chans is the popular website 4chan, although there are many other similar websites such as 7chan, 420chan, wakachan, iichan, not4chan, gurochan, fchan, sidechan, renchan, and so on and so on.
    Their characteristic features are anonymous posting, content being quickly deleted once it becomes old, sage-ing, and an idiosyncratic and strange culture.

    Chan meaning & definition 2 of Chan.

  • A Cantonese surname.
    In Chinese, Chen.

    Chan meaning & definition 3 of Chan.

  • A term in [fan fiction]- usually smut- to indicate that a character in the [ship] is underage, and still a child (under 18)

    Chan meaning & definition 4 of Chan.

  • suffix: often -chan to flavor someones name. Chan in Japanese is a term of affection and usually in the feminine. Cute boys, harmless best friends, and other girls might have -chan added to their names by people into the anime/manga scene. High pitched voice is optional.

    Chan meaning & definition 5 of Chan.

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