• COOL EMO KID: doesnt care what ppl think, likes a good band whether they are on mtv or not, and wont stop listening to some band just cuz everyone suddenly discovered them. they do nothing to make ppl feel bad for them, and want no ones sympathy. they give everything a chance before deeming it cool or uncool. and if they want to kill themselves, they do it. they dont shop regularly at hot topic, but dont completely disregard it. if theres something they want to buy, they go for it, and dont deny they bought it there. most of what they wear is from hand me downs, a garbage, a thrift shop, or was found. they dress how they want, and never deliberately try to piss ppl off or rebel. if they do something rebellious, it is not just to be rebellious, it is because they want to/believe in doing it. they respect people who dont want to put drugs in their body, but some COOL EMO KIDS do drugs because they feel like it
    ANNOYING EMO KID: those kids who regularly max out daddys credit card at hot topic and tell everyone how depressed they are and that they cut their arms up every night wanting to die (ok...where are the scars?). they only listen to underground bands adn immediately stop when someone they think is popular or preppy starts to listen to them, or they see them on mtv (which they claim never to watch, but they still do). they intentionally do stupid and rebellious things trying to make authority figures mad, thinking its cool. these people are attention-craving, tasteless, abnoxious emo kids. anything popular is completely disregarded to them. they also tell ppl that they think drugs are sooooooooooo cool, but are scared to do them, but do them anyway because they think itll make them cool

    Emo kid meaning & definition 1 of Emo kid.

  • A social classification that has been bastardized by scenesters, rich preps, and wannabe goths united. A true emo kid does not label him/herself as being emo...often this label is foisted on him or her against the alleged emo kids will. True emo kids listen to whatever the hell music they feel like, and it is often poetic or expressive. Emo is not a clothing style, cutting your wrists, or being a frequent buyer at Hot Topic. Those who call themselves emo are most likely just trying to be [scene] and have really screwed up the genre through wearing generic, borderline gothic clothing that all their sad little friends wear.

    Emo kid meaning & definition 2 of Emo kid.

  • One who rejects pop culture and joins the counter-culture realm. Usually has ideas contrary to popular opinion and seeks to gain a better understanding of life through artistic venues. May appear depressed, have black or red hair, and dress in a way that is contrary to what is popular. Thrift stores, art, coffee shops, underground music, and poetry are usually of great interest. Contrary to popular opinion, though an emo kid may seem depressed, within their own group there is an element of deep understanding and friendship. Emo kids see the world as beautiful, but its inhabitants as lost and depressing.

    Emo kid meaning & definition 3 of Emo kid.

  • You guys obviously know nothing about emo people. If you ever actually go to a concert full of emo kids youd see that..yes, the music has truthful lyrics that are mostly about a person reacting to a sad situation...one that all of us can relate to. But youd also see that almost everyone there is happy or laughing about something and our bands are usually telling jokes about something or pointing out good things in life. Yes, we dress in band shirts ,jeans and studded wristbands and belts and some of us wear a type of emo-punkish bordering on gothic clothing (Those of you who are familiar with My Chemical Romance know what I mean). Emo kids are not pussies and were not miserable. Were in touch with our feelings and were comfortable with the way we feel. We are very in tune with ourselves and with one another (even if we dont know each other)and if you see us with our friends youd see that were usually laughing. Yes, we do always look very loving and we are very loving and approachable. We also do not spend our time making fun of others, we respect who they are and leave it at that..maybe you preppies and real hardcore punks could learn a few things from us. Oh and by the way, MOST OF US DO NOT WEAR BLACK RIMMED GLASSES ANYMORE! and were also not all white and extra small bodied either. Update yourselves a little bit.

    Emo kid meaning & definition 4 of Emo kid.

  • They dont want to be like everyone else. I personally am sick of seeing wiggers who think they are ghetto, but u dont see me bringing them down. We just like to listen to our music and relate to it. We dont want to bother other people so we deal with it differently..soo whats wrong with that?

    Emo kid meaning & definition 5 of Emo kid.

  • A person that supposedly wears huge glasses and baggy pants, but in reality dont. They are in touch with their emotions, and when they are with friends, are usually very happy and laughing. They are not stupid pussies that cut their wrists and write angsty poems. They are sick of seeing rich white suburban kids that have a nice home in New Haven acting like they come from the ghettos of LA. All emo haters are either wiggers (like describes in the last sentence) or trend-obsessed MTV losers. Oh, and here is something for all the immature kids that posted that anti-emo people definitions:

    Shut up. The music you listen is mostly about pimps, bitches, and riding on 24s, while the music emo kids listen to actually mean something.

    Emo kid meaning & definition 6 of Emo kid.

  • one who prefers underground music, kicks it in the back, keeps to themselves, doesnt care about the popular stuff and doesnt care what others think.

    Emo kid meaning & definition 7 of Emo kid.

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