• [Jitterbug]. A [1940s] dance form where a male and female dancer perform a series of moves not unlike the [1950s] rock and roll dancing.
    The skill and strength required to throw the female dancer about was considered too much for mainstream dancing couples though.
    The [jitterbug] evolved into the rock and roll style dancing seen in the 1950s and 1960s.
    Also known in later years as the Jitterbug Boogie.

    Jitterbug meaning & definition 1 of Jitterbug.

  • A fast dance popular in the 1940s, performed chiefly to swing music.

    Jitterbug meaning & definition 2 of Jitterbug.

  • (Noun)This word originated from the good ol state of Florida and it has 3 definitions.

    1)A person that is between the ages of 0 to 17.
    2)A very immature person that constantly acts like a kid and plays games and make other people very upset.
    3)A kid,child,[infant],etc.[No where] near [an adult] what-so-ever.

    Jitterbug meaning & definition 3 of Jitterbug.

  • the [shittiest] [phone in] the world sad enough to even call it a phone, has no cool features just calling and big ass [buttons] for dumb asses

    Jitterbug meaning & definition 4 of Jitterbug.

  • It will always be used in a affectionate manner, since it is a pet name like honey, sugar, cupcake, baby, etc... Although it CAN be a nickname for any girl, most likely spinning off from book-worm, therefore most relevant when used for a girl who is slightly a [brainiac], kinda cute in a [mousey] kind of way, and ideally wears glasses. Used in situations that cause [seperation anxiety] or just whenever someone wants to let someone know that they care about them and think they are special, most often said over the phone, or in person, seldom written. If used without forward consent however, it will comes off as either creepy or insulting.

    Jitterbug meaning & definition 5 of Jitterbug.

  • An [african american] who cannot hold a [steady] job. He/She is constantly [moving] around looking for money. Hence the name jitterbug.

    Jitterbug meaning & definition 6 of Jitterbug.

  • A hot, sexy [GameFAQs user]. However, [hardly] ever [posts].

    Jitterbug meaning & definition 7 of Jitterbug.

  • A term used to [describe] [brutal] [fucking]

    Jitterbug meaning & definition 8 of Jitterbug.

  • A [little punk] [ass kid], either black or white, who usually idolizes Eminem or some other loser (dresses like that POS too). Usually, they are seen just hanging around places that they shouldnt be, or cant afford to be (both from an economical and law enforcement standard). This pathetic creature is usually best spotted in the back of a police cruiser, which should induce you to yell out to the cop driving...Hey thats the guy that tried to rape my cheerleading high school sister, but the football team [punter] kicked his little ass.

    Jitterbug meaning & definition 9 of Jitterbug.

  • Noun, someone who gives a virus or infection (not an STD) to his or her significant other, like [the flu] or [pink eye], requiring a trip to the local [CVS].

    Jitterbug meaning & definition 10 of Jitterbug.

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