• Bacterial meningitis is infection of the layers of tissue covering the brain and spinal cord (meninges).

    Bacterial meningitis in older infants and children usually results from bacteria carried in the respiratory system, and, in newborns, meningitis often comes from a bacterial infection in the bloodstream (sepsis).
    Older children and adolescents have a stiff neck with a fever, headache, and confusion, and newborns and young infants are usually irritable, stop eating, vomit, or have other symptoms.
    The diagnosis is based on the results of a spinal tap and blood tests.
    Some children die of meningitis even after receiving appropriate treatment.
    Vaccination can help prevent certain bacterial infections that cause meningitis.
    Antibiotics are given to treat the infection.

    For an overview of meningitis, see Introduction to Meningitis. Also see Viral Meningitis.
    Meningitis can occur at any age. Meningitis in older children is similar to meningitis in adolescents and adults (see Acute Bacterial Meningitis). However, meningitis in newborns (see also Bacterial Meningitis in Newborns) and infants is different.
    Although meningitis can occur in all children, children at particular risk of meningitis include those with sickle cell disease and those lacking a spleen. Children with birth defects of the face and skull may have defects in the bones that allow bacteria access to the meninges. Children who have a weakened immune system, such as those with AIDS or those who have received chemotherapy, are more susceptible to meningitis.
    (See also Overview of Bacterial Infections in Childhood.)

    Meningitis in children meaning & definition 1 of Meningitis in children.

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