• During the Fall and Winter months people who would normally rather be single or promiscuous find themselves along with the rest of the world desiring to be Cuffed or tied down by a serious relationship. The cold weather and prolonged indoor activity causes singles to become lonely and desperate to be cuffed.

    Cuffing season meaning & definition 1 of Cuffing season.

  • Usually the colder months; i.e. fall or winter, when new relationships start and old relationships turn into engagements. The persons in said relationships are [cuffed], meaning that they no longer seek non-platonic relationships with others.

    Cuffing season meaning & definition 2 of Cuffing season.

  • Duration: It starts the day after Halloween and ends the day after Valentines Day.
    November 1st - February 15th
    When done with ulterior motives, its the time women trick desperate men with romantic inclinations to get gifts and guys date down to get gifts from desperate, grateful low hanging fruit.
    Its a despicable practice and I dont suggest anyone doing the aforementioned, especially since during this time of year, emotions are extremely high and you risk getting your tires slashed (men).
    But when its mutual and both parties are knowledgeable and complicit in the act, it can be worthwhile; they just want to spend the cold holidays with someone who cares for them (even if its just an illusion of a relationship OR seasonal [friends with benefits]).
    The reason behind this is that in most places its cold and cloudy most of the time; a very depressing time of the year for most, but even more so when you dont have someone who cares for you or willing to spend time with you.
    Some ladies with means/looks get [boy toys] and some guys opt out of a serious relationship for girlfriend experience.
    Those who were in lasting relationships before cuffing season...well, theres a reason why the majority of children are born in August - October...they were conceived...IN CUFFING SEASON!

    Cuffing season meaning & definition 3 of Cuffing season.

  • the time of year in which more people are talking and start going out.

    Cuffing season meaning & definition 4 of Cuffing season.

  • When its so hot outside that people roll their sleeves up/cuff them.

    Cuffing season meaning & definition 5 of Cuffing season.

  • The cold season when everyone’s coupling up, so you settle for a new [bf/gf] way below your standards. ~Or~ you’re one of the smart ones who cozies up w Coors Light and your [pupper] bff.

    Cuffing season meaning & definition 6 of Cuffing season.

  • A stupid [made up] [season] with no correlating [evidence] what so ever.

    Cuffing season meaning & definition 7 of Cuffing season.

  • [Cuffing] Season- A season in the [Autumn] and Winter months, Were a woman [handcuffs] a man of her fancy, And the captured have to do sexual favors for her and/or marry her.

    Cuffing season meaning & definition 8 of Cuffing season.

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