• One of an association of robbers and murderers in India whopracticed murder by stealthy approaches, and from religious motives.They have been nearly exterminated by the British government.

    Thug meaning & definition 1 of Thug.

  • As Tupac defined it, a thug is someone who is going through struggles, has gone through struggles, and continues to live day by day with nothing for them. That person is a thug. and the life they are living is the thug life. A thug is NOT a gangster. Look up [gangster] and [gangsta]. Not even CLOSE, my friend.

    Thug meaning & definition 2 of Thug.

  • To be a true thug doesnt mean wearing bling, listening to rap and talking black. Being a gangsta isnt superficial.. To be a true thug means you havent had it good your whole life, and you intend to change that, and get out of the ghetto if thats where you are, you do whats right, you dont take shit from anyone, and stand up for your friends and dont let them take shit from anyone! You dont have to be a stereotypical gangsta to be a thug, a skater can be a thug, a nerd can be a thug, a hick can be a thug, a prep can be a thug, and old ass man can be a thug! So forget your stupid fucking stereotypes and thinking that everybody has to fit into one group, and be labeled. And i'll tell you what... Damn it feels good to be a gangster!

    Thug meaning & definition 3 of Thug.

  • The original Thugs were bands of roving criminals in India who strangled and robbed travellers. Originally these gangs committed murder following precise religious rites to honour Kali, the Hindu goddess of destruction.

    Thug meaning & definition 4 of Thug.

  • A person, usually a man, who has taken to a life of violent crime. Usually raised in a hostile, deprived environment. They could be hanging with gangs on street corners. They differ from gangsters in the respect that hey are not into organising crime. A thug could graduate into a gangster and may work for one, while still doing spontaneous muggings or dealing.
    When in gangs they can be proprietary about their turf.

    Thug meaning & definition 5 of Thug.

  • simply put, to fuck. presumably hard.

    Thug meaning & definition 6 of Thug.

  • Originally a reference to a violent group/cult in India but etymologically anglicized to refer to a brutal criminal in general for most of the latter 19th and 20th century. The word was adopted/co-opted by the American Rap and Hip Hop music scene in the late 20th century generally defining a tough anti-hero with criminal involvement.
    Recently the white conservative movement in the U.S.A. has adopted it as a substantive replacement for the vulgar and toxic term nigger which is no longer safe for use in most media channels.

    Thug meaning & definition 7 of Thug.

  • A cutthroat or ruffian; a hoodlum.
    A tough and violent man, esp a criminal.

    Thug meaning & definition 8 of Thug.

  • A violent person, especially a criminal.

    Thug meaning & definition 9 of Thug.

  • 1.) Criminal, ruffian, gangster...i.e

    Those thugs on Wall Street stole from thousands of people by establishing fraudulent corporations under the Enron umbrella

    2.) Caucasian slang for nigger, used in cases where upper middle class respectable white people want to express their disdain for what they feel are vaguely frightening black people but don't want to face the social and physical consequences of openly using the word nigger...i.e

    Thug meaning & definition 10 of Thug.

  • Word Origin

    Thug meaning & definition 11 of Thug.

  • A thug is typically referred to a male or female who commits [crimes] for [personal gain] through stealing, selling drugs, but especially violent crimes such as [robbery] and assault.

    Thug meaning & definition 12 of Thug.

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