• Parkers are usualy amazing. They are aggressive, they are great in bed. They are amazing boyfriends. Parkers have a great sense of humor, they make you laugh and they have funny yet very cute facial expressions. Parkers will make you smile no matter what mood you are in they will make you one happy camper and they help you with any issues you have. Parkers are amazing people and are aggressive, if you know what i mean.

    Parker meaning & definition 1 of Parker.

  • a ladys man/ sexy beast, who can get any chick he wants. i wish he would go after me but he wont and his dick is huge

    Parker meaning & definition 2 of Parker.

  • A guy who loves life, and is sweet. He deserves to be treated with respect, and it a total cutie. Hell always be by your side, and is very thoughtful. If a Parker likes you, dont ruin your chance with him, cause he is sure something. 🙂

    Parker meaning & definition 3 of Parker.

  • Someone who will blaze you without asking anything in return. they are one of the coolest types of people in the world.

    Parker meaning & definition 4 of Parker.

  • An absoloute legend with rather marvellous music taste, quality banter, perfect facial hair and enormous sex appeal. There is however, in most cases, an awkward silence when he claims to be awesome.

    Parker meaning & definition 5 of Parker.

  • a parker is usually very cute, average in height with dirty-blonde flippy hair. He usually dates short brown haired girls and falls hard. A parker is very sweet and trusting, but constantly will try to push you for what he wants. HE IS THE BEST KISSER EVER! and has a good sized penis.

    Parker meaning & definition 6 of Parker.

  • the sweetest hottest guy ever. he maybe conceded have a huge ego and talk like a man whore sometimes. but he gets around girls so funny really nice sensitive. if a parker likes you go for it. it will be the best decision you will ever make. i didnt and i regret it sooo much.

    Parker meaning & definition 7 of Parker.

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