• Tits, titties, tig ol bitties, boobs, jugs, melons, cans, hooters, dirty pillows, gazongas, yabbos, tig bitties, knockers, mammaries, fun bags, honkers, headlights, baps, meat puppets, ta-tas, naturals, boobies, guns, bahama mammas, balloons, bawagos, big brown eyes, blinkers, bobambas, bodacious tatas, bombs, bosom, bosooms, boulders, Bristols, brown suckies, bubatoes, bups, bust, busts, Cadillac bumper bullets, casabas, chest, chuberteens, cones, gedoinkers, doorknobs, floppers, fried eggs, fugis, gams, gazangas, jungle tits, golden bazoos, golden winnebagoes, mounds, mountains, marshmallows, Maguffies, grenadoes, hogans, honkers, itty-bitty-titties, jalobes, bazongoes, bazookas, bazooms, bazoos, ninnies, nips, nupies, pair, nice pair, penis squeezers, beamers, starter buttons, tads, handles, tatas, tittyboppers, bee stings, jiggers, jobes, rolling hills, cup cakes, cushions, dairy section, highbeams, hinyackas, knobs, love apples, love monkeys, [luscious scoops of flesh], twins, [love warts], watermellons, wazoos, whoppers, winnebagos, yabos, mambas, mammas, mamms, massive mammaries, mazabas, mellons, milk factories, Mcguffies, mosquito bites,perkies, pillows, pimples, [pink chewies], rack, set, [smosabs], stacked, torpedoes, towel racks.

    Breasts meaning & definition 1 of Breasts.

  • Breasts is another way of saying boobs. Boobs refer to a womans breasts.

    They [secrete] milk after pregnancy, and are very sexually attractive to men. Men find womens boobs attractive for biological and evolutionary reasons, they signal to men that the woman attached to them is nutritionally healthy, [youthful], and able to have a baby. So, boobs may be one of the main factors of sexual attraction between men and women that leads to [reproduction] and the continued survival of humans.

    Playing with their boobs during [sex can] be arousing for women.

    Because of their attractiveness, boobs are often times used by women to get mens attention, or to get them to do something. Men have been known to go to extreme lengths just for a womans boobs.

    Breasts meaning & definition 2 of Breasts.

  • [The best] [pillows] you can [sleep on]!

    Breasts meaning & definition 3 of Breasts.

  • Female [mammary glands]. Although they are used biologically for feeding offspring, breasts are actually attractive. In fact, breasts are the #1 factor in how a woman looks [to a man]. In otherwords, the bigger a womans breasts, the better.

    The truth is also that men have breasts, but theyre not so important as a womans, and thus the male variant is often called chest. Although, chest is used to refer to a womans rack, often used in [paranoia], either by women or men.

    Overall, I love breasts. ^.^

    Breasts meaning & definition 4 of Breasts.

  • either of the two soft, rounded parts of a womans chest that produce milk after she has a baby:

    Breasts meaning & definition 5 of Breasts.

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