• The practice of brushing and cleaning the coat of a horse, dog, or other animal.

    Grooming meaning & definition 1 of Grooming.

  • When a sexual or other kind of predator sets the stage for abusing another, such as a child or other person (as in the case of sex and theory [human trafficking]).
    Trust: May give toys and/or other gifts and favors to the intended victim to gain trust.
    [Alienation]: Settings the stage for the intended victim to become [alienated] from their primary caregivers/circles or family and community.
    Fear/dependency: Sets up a power dynamic in which the victim feels too afraid to report the abuse, perhaps by involving the victim in activities their friends and family might judge the victim negatively for, such as drug use (or even the abuse itself).

    Grooming meaning & definition 2 of Grooming.

  • Training, preparing or [conditioning] someone, usually over a longer period of time. Also used to refer to a [paedophiles] process of building trust with a child, wearing down the [childs] boundaries.

    Grooming meaning & definition 3 of Grooming.

  • The act of luring another with gifts, favors, promises, praise, or bbq ribs with the intent of gaining sexual favors. The perpetrator of grooming must have a significant advantage of [emotional intelligence], [financial independence], intelligence [quotient] or simply perpetrating against a minor.

    Grooming meaning & definition 4 of Grooming.

  • Cleaning and putting in order your fur (as an animal) or your hair and clothes (as a human).
    [Grooming] as a job is most often performed on horses, but in [zoos] and circuses [all sorts of] animals need [grooming].

    Grooming meaning & definition 5 of Grooming.

  • An act of kindness with an aim to get something in return. For example a [telephone] number, or perhaps for a [favour], or to gain extra contact means with someone, possibly for romantic reasons.

    May be seen as sneaky or sly by some under the context of romantic involvement, but is used often to get to know people better for this purpose - A [little white lie] to save possible rejection, also known as playing it safe.

    Grooming meaning & definition 6 of Grooming.

  • the things that you do to make your appearance clean and neat, for example brushing your hair, or the things that you do to keep an animals hair or fur clean and neat:

    Grooming meaning & definition 7 of Grooming.

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