• The quality or state of being selfish; exclusive regard toone's own interest or happiness; that supreme self-love or self-preference which leads a person to direct his purposes to theadvancement of his own interest, power, or happiness, withoutregarding those of others.Selfishness,- a vice utterly at variance with the happiness of himwho harbors it, and, as such, condemned by self-love. Sir J.Mackintosh.

    Selfishness meaning & definition 1 of Selfishness.

  • Selfishness, or the concern with one's own interests, is a virtue.

    Selfishness meaning & definition 2 of Selfishness.

  • That which motivates the will.

    Selfishness meaning & definition 3 of Selfishness.

  • a man's seman, which contains all the elements of the man that produces the seman, liquid self.

    Selfishness meaning & definition 4 of Selfishness.

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