Brocked is a slang term, reportedly originating from the Royal New Zealand Airforce, that refers to the act of another aircrew member secretly and sneakily taking away ones allocated flying time or duty.
An affection of one or both eyes, in which the optic axes cannot be directed to the same object, -- a defect due either to unduecontraction or to undue relaxation of one or more of the muscleswhich move the eyeball; squinting; cross-eye.
Strabismus meaning & definition 1 of Strabismus.
Misalignment of the eyes where one or both eyes droop(s) down, fixate(s) upward and/or turn(s) outward or inward, giving individuals the appearance of being cross-eyed and/or developmentally disabled. Sometimes (incorrectly) referred to as lazy
Strabismus meaning & definition 2 of Strabismus.
Strabismus is an intermittent or constant misalignment of an eye so that its line of vision is not pointed at the same object as the other eye. If untreated, strabismus can cause amblyopia (a decrease in vision) and permanent loss of vision. Treatment of strabismus includes correction of any refractive error, a patch or eye drops to treat amblyopia, and in some cases surgery.
Strabismus is misalignment of the eyes.
Causes include focusing (refractive) error and imbalance of muscles that control eye movement.
Symptoms include double vision and loss of vision.
The diagnosis is based on an eye examination.
Strabismus sometimes resolves on its own, but in most cases eyeglasses, contact lenses, or surgery is needed.Strabismus occurs in about 3% of children. If left untreated, about 50% of children with strabismus have some vision loss due to amblyopia.
Strabismus meaning & definition 3 of Strabismus.
Abnormal alignment of the eyes; the condition of having a squint.
Strabismus meaning & definition 4 of Strabismus.