• A great little country [nestled] between Belgium and Germany. People speak Dutch there and go everywhere on a bicycle. Theyre famous for their [tulips] and [windmills], but they have great cities too. Go there and check out the awesome art, fachion , and architecture.

    Netherlands meaning & definition 1 of Netherlands.

  • A country in western Europe, on the North Sea; population 16,900,000 (estimated 2015); official language, Dutch; capital, Amsterdam; seat of government, The Hague.

    Netherlands meaning & definition 2 of Netherlands.

  • European country North of belgium, east of the UK and west of Germany. The people there speak Dutch. [The Netherlands] is also known as Holland, however Holland is just a province. The capital of The Netherlands is Amsterdam.

    Non-Dutch people often think that the language Dutch is German. THIS IS NOT TRUE! Dutch is [NOT german] for german, but Dutch for Dutch.

    In Dutch:
    Ik ben [Nederlands].
    Im Dutch.

    Netherlands meaning & definition 3 of Netherlands.

  • [Mills], [Wooden Shoes], Cheese, [Marihuana], Hookers and Tullips. Have to say more?

    Netherlands meaning & definition 4 of Netherlands.

  • The only [country] in the whole [wide] world where you can buy Marijuana in a [shop]. Its the best country in the WORLD!!

    Netherlands meaning & definition 5 of Netherlands.

  • awesome [country] best [french fries] and [cheese]

    Netherlands meaning & definition 6 of Netherlands.

  • Small, flat and wet country somewhere in [Northern Europe] where everyone is tall, smokes weed and [rides] a [bike].

    Netherlands meaning & definition 7 of Netherlands.

  • An [innuendo] for a the [sexual] reproductive organs.

    Netherlands meaning & definition 8 of Netherlands.

  • My country: above Belgium and next to Germany. The beautifull Northsea creating a coast with lots of beaches.
    Very modern with very [big citys] but also small ones. Famous designers for shoes, clothes and bling-bling.
    And NO we dont wear wooden shoes, thats like 300 years ago lol! The windmile is very rare here, because its so boring! 😛

    The weather is either good or bad, it depends. Our language is cool and we use many weird expressions such as: Dat breekt mijn [klomp]
    ( That breaks my [wooden shoe] )as in: Im suprised by this, Im shocked

    Our gouverment is very soft, the jails are like hotels with playstations and its legal to have 5 grams of weed/pod/dutch with you!!!

    Netherlands meaning & definition 9 of Netherlands.

  • a fictional place where peter pan lives, fights with [captain hook] and all the [widdle] orphans live forever. and wendy would lose her bloody button and then make out with [jeremy sumpter].

    Netherlands meaning & definition 10 of Netherlands.

  • Ofcourse its (...)ing boring here, but the UK is nothing better, shut up [Sjembek]. superiority feeling Anyway. The country now known as Belgium was once part of Holland, untill they stood up against the dutch king for letting them slack off. Now we have a frikkin small country and make fun of the Belgian people. The Netherlands are known for the Delta Works, which is a wonder of the modern world. We invented some snacks like [Kroket] and [Frikandel], etc. Things like wooden shoes, windmills etc. are all in the past, although some still wear it, for example farmers. We are also known for tulips, weed, red light district and eating raw fish.

    Netherlands meaning & definition 11 of Netherlands.

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