• A person who lives in a suburb.

    Suburbanite meaning & definition 1 of Suburbanite.

  • The most prevalent vermin in the USA, usually indigenous to the Midwest. Recognized by the following characteristics:
    -Pretending that they have lots of money, but are actually broke after spending it all trying to impress people with their McMansions, SUVs, etc.
    -Love of shitty chain restaurants such as [Applebees], [Chilis], [The Olive Garden], IHOP, etc.
    -Severely lacking in social skills and intelligence, due to their refusal to interact with anyone other than their elementary/middle school classmates from 15-20 years ago.

    Suburbanite meaning & definition 2 of Suburbanite.

  • Poor sad scared little person who never takes the time out to enjoy the diversity, excitement and establishments and atmosphere of a great city because they rush home in fear for their lives to their cloned boxes of [cookie cutter houses] the immediate 22 seconds after work.

    2.A conceited, self-centered [paranoiac] who view themselves as so important that they assume that all [city people] automatically want to take the time out of their day to rob or shoot them at every city corner.

    Suburbanite meaning & definition 3 of Suburbanite.

  • [somebody] who [lives] in [the suburbs].

    Suburbanite meaning & definition 4 of Suburbanite.

  • The second most prominent stereotype of americans next to hillbillys.
    A person who believes in the freedom to annoy. If one decided to mow their lawn every 15 days instead of 10 then theyd get a nasty letter from the city council. They are more often of the conservative [school of thought] surprisingly, whilest somehow simultaneously perpetuating their frivolous [zoning] laws. They contest any and all bureaucratic processes that will allow any public building to be erected, thus creating a [gridlock] on social and economic progression. They cannot make any real choices in life like building a farm or becoming completely communilized in an urban setting.

    Suburbanite meaning & definition 5 of Suburbanite.

  • The OTHER [material] that [will kill] [Superman].

    Suburbanite meaning & definition 6 of Suburbanite.

  • Worthless assholes who are brainwashed by the media and are think that they have great fullfilling lives that everyone dreams of even though they dont, even themselves. People who day dream all day about what they should have done and what they could have [in another life]. They tend to try to get away from the dull [roar] of suburban life with things such as vacations, theme parks, etc. with their whiny ass annoying kids. They have sucky lives. Word comes from the latin roots sub meaning below and [urbanite] meaning people who live in the city and have interesting lives ( inferior to urbanites)

    Suburbanite meaning & definition 7 of Suburbanite.

  • Its funny how most of these people [love making] fun of [the suburbs], when half of them likely live there. Only crude stuck up white kids would write about these things, since most people in an urban [landscape] dont really give a shit.

    Suburbanite meaning & definition 8 of Suburbanite.

  • Mindless consumers who live in engineered neighborhoods. Have no opinion on anything until popular culture and media tell them how to think. Have to define themselves with posessions, because they have no personalities from years of corporate [brainwashing]. Suffer from the delusion that everyone wants their life, when in fact they do not.(Sometimes even they dont, but their programmed minds would never let them admit it.) Mistake insults and pity towards them for jealousy and envy. Go through life with [blinders], failing to see or comprehend anything that is not right in front of their eyes.
    Their infectious ignorance and [baseless] arrogance are the reasons other countries hate the U.S. so much.
    Also see [lemming].

    Suburbanite meaning & definition 9 of Suburbanite.

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