To seize, and hold in possession, by force, or without right;as, to usurp a throne; to usurp the prerogatives of the crown; tousurp power; to usurp the right of a patron is to oust or dispossesshim.Alack, thou dost usurp authority. Shak.Another revolution, to get rid of this illegitimate and usurpedgovernment, would of course be perfectly justifiable. Burke.
Usurp meaning & definition 1 of Usurp.
To drain or take every bit of energy, power or ownership by force.
Usurp meaning & definition 2 of Usurp.
Take (a position of power or importance) illegally or by force.
Usurp meaning & definition 3 of Usurp.
Usurp is a [tatt].i [got done] after finding the word by random [tapping] on the phone. It means to take over illegally or by force.
Usurp meaning & definition 4 of Usurp.