(in computer games) to get more skills, etc. for a character in a game by winning points :
The art or operation of using a leveling instrument for findinga horizontal line, for ascertaining the differences of level betweendifferent points of the earth's surface included in a survey, forestablishing grades, etc., as in finding the descent of a river, orlocating a line of railroad. Leveling instrument. See Surveyor'slevel, under Level, n.-- Leveling staff, a graduated rod or staff used in connection witha leveling instrument for measuring differences of level betweenpoints.
Leveling meaning & definition 1 of Leveling.
Doing a task repetitavely in a video game or in real life in order to gain experience in whatever is being done. Often done for hours on end. Otherwise known as practice.
Leveling meaning & definition 2 of Leveling.
whne a female and male are sexing their minds out of the world and then guy sticks his finger in her booty and makes it touch his penis. its a combo of the screaming dolphin and anal
Leveling meaning & definition 3 of Leveling.
the height of something:
Leveling meaning & definition 4 of Leveling.