• How your [pokemon] [change] at certain [levels]!

    Evolution meaning & definition 1 of Evolution.

  • The process by which different kinds of living organism are believed to have developed from earlier forms during the history of the earth.

    Evolution meaning & definition 2 of Evolution.

  • Dental lab and customer relationship management system with case management, scheduling, accounts receivable, marketing tools. A software product by Atlanta Based Systems

    Evolution meaning & definition 3 of Evolution.

  • A [scientific Theory] (a Theory in science being the closest to certianty possible, wihile remaining scientific) That does NOT in ANY way:

    [speculate] on the origin of life on earth or otherwise (see biogenisis)

    speculate on the origin of the universe

    speculate on anyting but the prosess of genetic change in a population

    state that any instantant transformations from one spicies to another has ever occured

    state that humans cam from monkeys (it does however state that we share a common ansestor see Ape)

    detail how a geneome could change in a single generation (evolution happens over multiple generations)

    state that humans are in any way above or below any other form of life

    state that as spicies evolve, they become bigger, better or stronger, only more adapted.

    state that there is no God

    state that I hate most of the other, misinformed definitions (although this is true)

    [affiliate] its self with the opening of [penut] butter jars or puddels being [struck by lightning].

    affiliate itself with nonbiological or non-self replicating matter such as boeing 747s and scrap

    allow its self to be defined by the majority of the definitions on the first few pages

    hate you (but I might)

    comment any anyting remotly metaphysical like the soul

    Evolution meaning & definition 4 of Evolution.

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