• A [French] word [meaning] [bullshit artist].

    Recruiter meaning & definition 1 of Recruiter.

  • A person whose job is to enlist or enrol people as employees, in the armed forces, or as members of an organization.

    Recruiter meaning & definition 2 of Recruiter.

  • The most hardcore soldiers in the US Army. They work the longest hours and make the most money. They are the most honest people in the military and will provide your worthless [sack of shit] son or daughter with a paycheck and a career. Sure you may gain weight, but while the rest of the Army has thier happy [asses up] [at the crack] of dawn, you are still asleep. When you do finally get up, you jump in your government car and ride to your air conditioned office.

    Recruiter meaning & definition 3 of Recruiter.

  • The best person in the world. They teach [you right] from wrong and dont ever [give up on you]. They tell and show [you how] much they care. Come to find out they will become one of the most important people in your life.

    Recruiter meaning & definition 4 of Recruiter.

  • Faggit; one who seeks enjoyment (consisting primarily of long nights of [chronic masturbation]) by ruining the lives of 17 year olds; An extreme [optomist], talking only of the brightest sides of the armed forces (i.e. College money that you wont have time to use and traveling (which means traveling to other countries to work long hours that would normally be illegal in the U.S.); Syn. Fag, Faggit, Tranny, [Booty Juice] Drinker, Deep throat representative.

    Recruiter meaning & definition 5 of Recruiter.

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