• One more than five; twice three; as, six yards. Six Nations(Ethnol.), a confederation of North American Indians formed by theunion of the Tuscaroras and the Five Nations.-- Six points circle. (Geom.) See Nine points circle, under Nine.

    Six meaning & definition 1 of Six.

  • this is any car in Mercedes' top-of-the-line 600 series...no matter what anyone tells you, it is not a car with a V6 engine. rappers rap about driving sixes; my grandmother's Buick has a V6...which makes more sense here?

    Six meaning & definition 2 of Six.

  • In military terms, [six] refers to either the commanding officer in a particular group, since the commander is usually in

    Six meaning & definition 3 of Six.

  • How a Kiwi (New Zealander) says 'sex'.

    Six meaning & definition 4 of Six.

  • Six is the name of the [android] who was the [sex slave] on the crew of the cartoon [Tripping The Rift].

    A girl who is Six is so [serenatastic] that she is probably is an android after all, and therefore most likely designed for one purpose in a virtual world.

    And who could argue with that?

    Six meaning & definition 5 of Six.

  • in the book of moses, chapter 6 is one of the most revealing chapters. It reveals the plan of salvation - for the relationship to come.
    six is also a lucky number for some, as it defines the transfer towards something more real, and long lasting.

    Six meaning & definition 6 of Six.

  • United States military slang for Ass

    Six meaning & definition 7 of Six.

  • a shortened form of six gun, which is slang for a revolver

    Six meaning & definition 8 of Six.

  • V.

    To refuse to call something by its new name, the classic example being Sixth Avenue in Manhattan, which people refuse to call Avenue of the Americas even though the name change occurred over 60 years ago.

    Often the sixing is a matter of principle, where a perfectly good name is changed for politically correct, corporate, or other inane reasons. Sixing long after the name change has occurred is known as deep six.

    Six meaning & definition 9 of Six.

  • Six in Cricket. Six runs are awarded to the batsman when he hits the ball in the air and it crosses the boundary line before coming into contact with the ground.

    Six meaning & definition 10 of Six.

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