Brocked is a slang term, reportedly originating from the Royal New Zealand Airforce, that refers to the act of another aircrew member secretly and sneakily taking away ones allocated flying time or duty.
The disposition and tendency to preserve what is established;opposition to change; the habit of mind; or conduct, of aconservative.
Conservatism meaning & definition 1 of Conservatism.
Conservatism is a political ideology or philosophy advocating in conserving a certian aspect of the present environment. Originally, this referred to [Monarchist]s who support the French crown in the revolutions. Conservatism can mean many other views:
Social conservatism: Advocating no change of society's morals, even if current evidence confirms it's inaccuracy.
Fisical conservatism: Advocating rigid economic spending in order to conserve the nation's economy, from threats which could cause a collapse.
Tribal conservatism: Advocacy for keeping a hunter-gather lifestyle and against techno-progression.
Bioconservatism: Advocacy against new bio-technologies.
Wikiconservatism: New movement on [Wikipedia], applying social conservatism to the encylopedia.
Neoconservatism: This new brand advocates for militant action moreso, in order to conserve the stability of the world. This advocates for economic spending on the military (contrast, Fisical conservatism).
Conservatism meaning & definition 2 of Conservatism.
A cult of stupidity dedicated to making greed and bigotry moral virtues. According to the tenets of Conservatism, the interests of the rich and powerful should be protected at all costs by the government. Disciples of Conservatism believe that the poor and helpless should be kept in a state of ignorance using propaganda and fear of the Other (e.g., communists, immigrants, non-whites, terrorists).
Conservatism meaning & definition 3 of Conservatism.
A psychological condition in which an individual's inability to deal with the existential anxiety of knowing life can be lived more freely and fully manifests as a set of political beliefs.
A conscious effort to prevent progress.
Conservatism meaning & definition 4 of Conservatism.
a political and social philosophy that promotes the maintenance of traditional institutions and supports, at the most, minimal and gradual change in society.
Conservatism meaning & definition 5 of Conservatism.
Social Conservatism-The belief that other than evil religions that religion and religous values shouldn't be abolished. They uphold the beliefs and morals of the 3 major religions in the USA.
Fiscal Conservatism-The idea that capitalism works, and people have a right to their money
Conservatism meaning & definition 6 of Conservatism.
the quality of not usually liking or trusting change, especially sudden change
Conservatism meaning & definition 7 of Conservatism.
Commitment to traditional values and ideas with opposition to change or innovation.
Conservatism meaning & definition 8 of Conservatism.