• That branch of physical science which treats of the nature andproperties of light, the laws of its modification by opaque andtransparent bodies, and the phenomena of vision.

    Optics meaning & definition 1 of Optics.

  • What something will look like to the outside world; the perception a public relations person would have on something. First seen (at least by me) in article by Equity Private on finance blog dealbreaker

    Optics meaning & definition 2 of Optics.

  • The viewing lens of public perception. How the media will play a story. Political repercussions are all about optics. Bad optics would be giving the media or the political opposition a juicy story to play with.

    Optics meaning & definition 3 of Optics.

  • The appearance and public [perception] of a certain situation or action, as was most recently used by the [synagogue] shooter in [Pittsburgh] on his social media post just before the horrible attack.

    Optics meaning & definition 4 of Optics.

  • The scientific study of sight and the behaviour of light, or the properties of transmission and deflection of other forms of radiation.

    Optics meaning & definition 5 of Optics.

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