• [Ron Paul]; [maintaining] a belief or practice that holds true for an extraordinarily [long time]; Ron Paul.

    Consistent meaning & definition 1 of Consistent.

  • Acting or done in the same way over time, especially so as to be fair or accurate.

    Consistent meaning & definition 2 of Consistent.

  • A slang word referring to the [never ending] worth of something. In other words, an adjective meaning cool, awesome, or great but implying a long-lasting quality. This word began to be used in modern slang in the south-eastern United States in the summer of 2011, predominantly among [middle-class] [African Americans].

    Consistent meaning & definition 3 of Consistent.

  • consistently keeping [something] up and [never] [relapse]

    Consistent meaning & definition 4 of Consistent.

  • always behaving or happening in a similar, especially positive, way:

    Consistent meaning & definition 5 of Consistent.

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