• The term used to describe [the great] chance we have to [chose] between two assholes who care nothing for the public only for furthering their own careers. Otherwise known as [the right to vote].

    Suffrage meaning & definition 1 of Suffrage.

  • The right to vote in political elections.

    Suffrage meaning & definition 2 of Suffrage.

  • [voting] [rights], what they are and who has them [according] to different governments and places

    Suffrage meaning & definition 3 of Suffrage.

  • to stop the act of having [rights].

    The right or [privilege] of [voting].

    Suffrage meaning & definition 4 of Suffrage.

  • The pain or unpleasant feeling rich [white men] experience when women, minorities and [poor people] are allowed to have rights such as [the right to vote].

    Suffrage meaning & definition 5 of Suffrage.

  • A game played where an object ([usu]. a ball of some kind) is thrown between two or more players where [the aim] is to strike the crotch of the other player(s).
    No [flinching] or moving is allowed. The game will typically end when one player is in so much pain that they cannot continue.
    Best played between men.

    Suffrage meaning & definition 6 of Suffrage.

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