• In the long-running BBC television science fiction programme Doctor Who and related works, the term companion refers to a character who travels with, or shares the adventures of the Doctor. In most Doctor Who stories, the primary companion acts as an audience surrogate. He or she provides the lens through which the viewer is introduced to the series. The companion character, many times, furthers the story by asking questions and getting into trouble, or by helping, rescuing or challenging the Doctor. This designation is applied to a character by the shows producers, and appears in the BBCs promotional material and off-screen fictional terminology. Until the modern revival of the series in 2005, the term was rarely used on-screen. The Doctor also refers to the shows other leads as his friends or assistants; the British press have also used the latter term.

    Companion meaning & definition 33 of Companion.

  • kom-pan′yun, n. one who keeps company or frequently associates with another: an associate or partner: a higher rank of servant, who, though receiving pay, stands rather in the relation of a friend: fellow, in a bad sense.—v.t. to accompany.—adj. of the nature of a companion: accompanying.—adjs. Compan′iable (obs.), sociable; Compan′ionable, fit to be a companion: agreeable.—n. Compan′ionableness.—adv. Compan′ionably.—adj. Compan′ioned, having a companion.—ns. Compan′ionhood, Compan′ionary.—adj. Compan′ionless, without a companion.—n. Compan′ionship. [Fr. compagnon, from Low L. companium, a mess—L. com, with, and panis, bread.]

    Companion meaning & definition 34 of Companion.

  • kom-pan′yun, n. (naut.) the skylight or window-frame through which light passes to a lower deck or cabin: companion-ladder.—ns. Compan′ion-ladd′er, the ladder or stair leading from the deck to the officers cabin; Compan′ion-way, a staircase from the deck to a cabin. [Cf. Dut. kompanje; O. Fr. compagne; It. compagne.]

    Companion meaning & definition 35 of Companion.

  • A knot in whose neighborhood another, specified, knot meets every meridian disk.

    Companion meaning & definition 36 of Companion.

  • a wooden hood or penthouse covering the companion way; a companion hatch

    Companion meaning & definition 37 of Companion.

  • to be a companion to; to attend on; to accompany

    Companion meaning & definition 38 of Companion.

  • In the long-running BBC television science fiction programme Doctor Who and related works, the term companion refers to a character who travels with, or shares the adventures of the Doctor. In most Doctor Who stories, the primary companion acts as an audience surrogate. He or she provides the lens through which the viewer is introduced to the series. The companion character, many times, furthers the story by asking questions and getting into trouble, or by helping, rescuing or challenging the Doctor. This designation is applied to a character by the shows producers, and appears in the BBCs promotional material and off-screen fictional terminology. Until the modern revival of the series in 2005, the term was rarely used on-screen. The Doctor also refers to the shows other leads as his friends or assistants; the British press have also used the latter term.

    Companion meaning & definition 39 of Companion.

  • kom-pan′yun, n. one who keeps company or frequently associates with another: an associate or partner: a higher rank of servant, who, though receiving pay, stands rather in the relation of a friend: fellow, in a bad sense.—v.t. to accompany.—adj. of the nature of a companion: accompanying.—adjs. Compan′iable (obs.), sociable; Compan′ionable, fit to be a companion: agreeable.—n. Compan′ionableness.—adv. Compan′ionably.—adj. Compan′ioned, having a companion.—ns. Compan′ionhood, Compan′ionary.—adj. Compan′ionless, without a companion.—n. Compan′ionship. [Fr. compagnon, from Low L. companium, a mess—L. com, with, and panis, bread.]

    Companion meaning & definition 40 of Companion.

  • kom-pan′yun, n. (naut.) the skylight or window-frame through which light passes to a lower deck or cabin: companion-ladder.—ns. Compan′ion-ladd′er, the ladder or stair leading from the deck to the officers cabin; Compan′ion-way, a staircase from the deck to a cabin. [Cf. Dut. kompanje; O. Fr. compagne; It. compagne.]

    Companion meaning & definition 41 of Companion.

  • one paid to accompany or assist or live with another

    Companion meaning & definition 42 of Companion.

  • A knot in whose neighborhood another, specified, knot meets every meridian disk.

    Companion meaning & definition 43 of Companion.

  • one who accompanies or is in company with another for a longer or shorter period, either from choice or casually; one who is much in the company of, or is associated with, another or others; an associate; a comrade; a consort; a partner

    Companion meaning & definition 44 of Companion.

  • a wooden hood or penthouse covering the companion way; a companion hatch

    Companion meaning & definition 45 of Companion.

  • to be a companion to; to attend on; to accompany

    Companion meaning & definition 46 of Companion.

  • kom-pan′yun, n. one who keeps company or frequently associates with another: an associate or partner: a higher rank of servant, who, though receiving pay, stands rather in the relation of a friend: fellow, in a bad sense.—v.t. to accompany.—adj. of the nature of a companion: accompanying.—adjs. Compan′iable (obs.), sociable; Compan′ionable, fit to be a companion: agreeable.—n. Compan′ionableness.—adv. Compan′ionably.—adj. Compan′ioned, having a companion.—ns. Compan′ionhood, Compan′ionary.—adj. Compan′ionless, without a companion.—n. Compan′ionship. [Fr. compagnon, from Low L. companium, a mess—L. com, with, and panis, bread.]

    Companion meaning & definition 47 of Companion.

  • kom-pan′yun, n. (naut.) the skylight or window-frame through which light passes to a lower deck or cabin: companion-ladder.—ns. Compan′ion-ladd′er, the ladder or stair leading from the deck to the officers cabin; Compan′ion-way, a staircase from the deck to a cabin. [Cf. Dut. kompanje; O. Fr. compagne; It. compagne.]

    Companion meaning & definition 48 of Companion.

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