• An inflammatory disease of the skin, characterized by thepresence of redness and itching, an eruption of small vesicles, andthe discharge of a watery exudation, which often dries up, leavingthe skin covered with crusts; -- called also tetter, milk crust, andsalt rheum.

    Eczema meaning & definition 1 of Eczema.

  • A disease that i got which makes people go crazy about you and stay away from you because it looks contagious. If i touch someone they think they have it when it is really nothing. But what it actually is caused by is an inflammation of the epidermis. Also what makes it sucks is that its unbearably itchy.

    Eczema meaning & definition 2 of Eczema.

  • A condition that by any other name would by bloody itchy disease of pain.

    Eczema meaning & definition 3 of Eczema.

  • olly has it after smoking sheisha

    Eczema meaning & definition 4 of Eczema.

  • (Verb) Eczema any part of your skin that looks like rashes and may or may not itch. also, may or may not chop your skin.(Eczema can be easy to take off I know cuz I had. use Toothpaste, Dove soap, Eczema lotion, and vaseline) Eczema can get worse and worse the more you don't use the tips.Eczema Looks like alligator skin, Eczema may and may not come from your family members who has asthma.

    Eczema meaning & definition 5 of Eczema.

  • a skin condition in which areas of the skin become red, rough, and sore and make you want to rub them:

    Eczema meaning & definition 6 of Eczema.

  • A medical condition in which patches of skin become rough and inflamed, with blisters that cause itching and bleeding, sometimes resulting from a reaction to irritation (eczematous dermatitis) but more typically having no obvious external cause.

    Eczema meaning & definition 7 of Eczema.

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